4. Press down on the center of the label and slide the card to the right.
Add an MMC Card.
5.Turn the plastic rotating card lock until it holds the card firmly in place, with the grip parallel to the direction of the batteries.
6.Replace the batteries and battery cover.
FreedomMaps are pre-made custom maps that cover multiple states, provinces, countries or other geographic regions on a single memory card. They give you all the features found in our MapCreate™ mapping software, but without the necessity of using a computer. FreedomMaps are available for the United States, Canada and Europe. In 2004, Free- domMaps with topographic contours will become available for the United States and Canada.
Like custom maps built in MapCreate, the custom map on a FreedomMap card contains all of these features: rivers/lakes/tributaries; more than 60,000 critical navigation aids; more than 10,000 wrecks/obstructions in coastal and Great Lakes waters; interstate/federal/state highways; inter- state exit services; searchable Points-of-Interest (POI) database including: airports, hotels, restaurants, entertainment, emergency services; rural roads and city streets; cities and towns; railways; key landmarks; search- able street intersections and street addresses; national parks and forests with boundaries; wildlife preserves; and more!
FreedomMaps come to you preloaded on a single 128 or 256 MB mem- ory card. Simply insert the memory card into your Lowrance GPS unit, and you're ready to go.
FreedomMaps are available through LEI-Extras. To order a card (or for a list of the areas available) see the ordering information in the back of this manual.