We'll spend the rest of this section introducing you to the options and settings available from the Music Menu.
Power Saving
If you're using your iFINDER for both mapping and music, you can con- trol how much of each get out of it. One of the biggest drains on the iFINDER's battery is the position update rate – that is, how often the iFINDER checks its location from the GPS signal.
You can tell the iFINDER to check less often, giving you inferior posi- tion accuracy but longer battery life. To do this, use the Power Saving command. Just remember that the higher your Power Saving setting, the less reliable your position information on the map display.
To access the Power saving feature from Music Mode, press MENU↓ to POWER SAVINGENT. Press → or ← to move the slider bar. The left end of the scale is minimum power saving (full battery power); the right end of the scale is maximum power saving (minimum battery power.)
To return to the last page displayed, press EXITEXIT.
The Power Save menu at Min Power save (shown left center)
and Max Power Save (shown right).
For a more detailed description of Power Saving, look for the same topic in Sec. 5.
Use Indoors
When you're only using your iFINDER to listen to music, you can pre- serve battery life by turning off the GPS satellite search. To do this, turn on the Use Indoors option.
To toggle this feature on or off from the Music Mode, press MENU↓ to USE INDOORSENT. The box is checked when the feature is turned on, and unchecked when the feature is off. The iFINDER will automatically resume searching for satellites the next time you turn it on.