Figures 14a and 14b are expanded views of all of the project settings and timecode sub-menus (timecode settings are explained in detail in the Timecode sec- tion of this manual).The following are details about the Project Settings menu items:
Headset Monitoring – Stereo, Mono Left, Mono Right, Mono Summed, or Follow Record Mode (“Channels” field above). Monitoring via the internal speaker follows this setting as well, although Stereo is ren- dered as Mono Summed.
Channels – This sets the record mode. The options are: Mono Left, Mono Right, Mono Summed, and Stereo.
Sample Width – 16 or 24 bits.
Sample Rate – 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192 kHz. This can- not be changed once any audio has been recorded into this project. All audio files in a project must be of the same sample rate.
Input Source – Analog/Mic or S/PDIF (digital).
Clock Source – Internal, LTC, Video, Word Clock, or S/PDIF. Timecode – Enabled or Disabled.
Timecode Settings – a submenu of timecode param- eters.
Auto Markers – The
Auto Append – This mode, as described previously, is set Yes or No.
Locator Types – This can limit where the LOCATE keys can position the timeline, to the edge of Files Only, to Markers Only, or to Files and Markers.
Max File Size – This setting allows the user to deter- mine the maximum file size of a take (an individual audio file). The range of this setting is 512MB to 2GB and the default setting is 1.5GB.
There may be times when smaller audio files are desired to exist within on project. For example, when individual takes may need to be burned to CD media as data.
As always, the record/playback of audio file (take) transitions is seamless regardless of the setting of this menu.
Meter Clip Hold – Flash (very brief), 3, 6, or 10 seconds, or Infinite. When set to Infinite, the Clip indicator on the display is cleared by pressing CANCEL.
HD-P2 Screens and Menus
Figure 14a - Project Settings Screen: Expanded View
Figure 14b - Project Timecode Settings Screen: Expanded View
Meter Decay Rate – Slow, Medium, or Fast. Meter Peak Decay – Slow, Medium, Fast, or Off.
File Base Name – Audio file names will start with these characters.
Mark Base Name – Marker names will start with these characters.