Enter FM Radio Mode to listen to FM radio broadcasts.
You must have a pair of headphones connected to the headphone jack to receive FM broadcasts; your player will utilize the headphone cord as an antenna.
Basic FM Radio Operation
Upon entering FM Radio mode, you can tune to stations manually (SEEK) or to preset stations (LISTEN). Press to change between these two modes.
SEEK: Press or
to tune to stations manually. To
LISTEN: Press or
to tune to the next Preset Station. You must save Preset Stations prior to us- ing this tuning method.
Store Preset Stations
Your player can store up to 25 station presets (01 to 25).
Store Presets Manually
Make sure that the player is in SEEK mode.
1.Tune to the station you want to store as a preset (e.g., 91.5).
2.Press and hold —the
3.Press or
to select the desired Preset number (e.g., 01).
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