Definitive Technology ProCinema 1000
Innovative Technology Pays Big Dividends
efinitive Technology
Dis known for build- ing innovative loudspeakers that
“This compact system plays big—very big.“
The deluxe version of the ProCinema 1000 system consists of four ProMonitor 1000 mini- monitors, a ProCenter
2000 center- channel speaker, and a ProSub
1000 sub-
woofer. At first, the ProCinema speakers look like truncated,
Big Dynamics
This compact system plays
Daggers, “The Flying Boat” scene from The Aviator, and the “Under Attack” scene from Master and
“The ProCinema 1000 system is a bargain, pure and simple.”
system handled this dynamically demanding material. Many small systems can play fairly loudly, but few do so gracefully. The ProCinema system, however, almost always kept its composure, taking
“Value with a capital ‘V’”
Innovations that Work
I attribute the system’s fine dynamics to two design innova- tions. First, its speakers introduce spectacular new mid/bass drivers whose diaphragms are supported both by outer and inner suspen- sion rings (traditional diaphragms are supported at their outer rims only), with cylindrical wave- guides in the center. These might be the finest mid/bass drivers Definitive has ever produced; they deliver terrific dynamic punch with very low distortion. Second, the ProCinema speakers