Hitachi Data Systems
log in with each other and the switch to exchange operating information on attributes and characteristics. This information includes port names and port IDs and is used to establish interoperability parameters.
An ESA/390® computer peripheral interface.
File Backup
The practice of copying a file that is stored on disk or tape to another disk or tape is referred to as file backup. This is done for protection in case the active file gets damaged. Backup is considered “local copy” as opposed to “remote copy.” See also Remote Copy.
Front End
In reference to storage arrays, the front end is considered to be the interfaces or ports to the “real world,” the processors servicing these ports, and in some cases the cache memory. On the Lightning 9900™ Series systems, the front end consists of CHIP pairs.
Gigabit Ethernet
Provides a standard that supports data transfer at 1000 megabits/sec. Gigabit Ethernet is also called 1000BaseT Category 5 (copper wire) or 1000BaseX (fiber optic). There is a 10,000BaseT version of the Ethernet standard that will be widely available by 2002.
Technically, a gigabyte is 1024 Megabytes although most disk drive manufacturers today define it as 1000MB. This is a source of great confusion in the storage industry.
GUI is an acronym that refers to a Graphical User Interface that is the software that controls the screen presented to a user in a computer application.
HARBOR File Level Backup/Recovery with Lightning™ 9900 Agent™
Harbor File Level Backup/Recovery is a software utility that provides for network or
Client support is available for Windows®, OS/2®, UNIX®, NetWare™, and VMS host platforms.
HARBOR File Transfer
This software utility provides automatic, reliable, and secure data transfer between OS/390® and open systems hosts using high speed ESCON® / FICON™ channels or network communications. HFT can be thought of as a very high speed FTP that does not use a network. High performance is enabled by allowing multiple file transfers to