Error beeps will sound if you try to select a channel that is not allowed.
Some examples on selecting a channel (USA channel bank) are given:
• Press 1 then 8 to select CH18A.
•Press 2 then 0 to select CH20, then press ^CH/SEL to select CH20A (suffix A channel).
•Press 2 then 0 then ^CH/SEL to select CH20A (suffix A channel).
Make a call
Hold down the PTT (Press To Talk) button on the left hand side of the handset to transmit on an allowable channel. The channel number and TX are shown on the LCD screen.
When you press PTT the NS100 radio automatically exits from any menu and stops scanning. You must release PTT to receive a call.
Some channels are restricted and do not allow transmissions. Check out Appendix C for a complete listing of channels.
Store 3 favorite channels
You can store one, two or three channels as favorites.
Select the first channel that you want to store, then hold down 3CH for about two seconds to store it as CH1. Repeat the procedure to store two more favorite channels as CH2 and CH3 respectively.
If you try to store another favorite channel, the radio asks: OVERWRITE CH3?
If you press >ENT to confirm, CH3 is overwritten with the new channel.
Select a favorite channel
Press 3CH to display the first favorite channel. Repeat the procedure, if necessary, to cycle through the three favorite channels.
The LCD screen displays CH1, CH2, or CH3 as appropriate, to show which favorite channel is operational.
When you are finished using a favorite channel, press <ESC to return to previous working channel.
14Quickstart Guide
Northstar NS100