MANUAL V1.0 | Introduction > p. |
Using the TouchScreen
Your ARCHOS 704 WIFI device is equipped with a touchscreen.
Most screen areas will react when you tap on them using the included stylus or your fingernail.
Below is a description of the main tactile screen areas and a few tips on how to use the touchscreen.
Interface Description & Tactile Screen Areas
Status Bar
•In the top right corner of the screen, the status bar indicates the volume, the battery level, the current time, the playback status of your device, etc.
•This area is not tactile, except for the cross, which may appear at the right end of the status bar for you to exit the current screen.
•In the top left corner of the screen, the tabs area shows other available ap- plications and screens (Setup Screen, Home Screen, etc.). They vary, depending on where you are in the interface.
•You can tap on the icon to switch between the available screens.
•You can also tap directly on one of the tabs to access the corresponding screen.
Contextual Menu
•In the lower right corner of the screen, the contextual menu area shows the menu icons: the available options will vary, depending on where you are in the interface.
•To execute a menu icon’s function, simply tap on it. In order to display a text description of the icon, tap on the MENU word.
Home Screen
•This is the main screen of your ARCHOS device, showing its main functions.
•In the Home Screen or in the Setup Screen, you can tap directly on an icon to select it. Tap a second time to launch the application.
•In a browser window, in the ARCLibrary, or in the photo wall, you can tap twice on a file, song or video to launch it.
Other Touchscreen Actions
•When watching a video or listening to music, you can tap on the progression bar to go directly to a different location in the video or song. You can also drag the cursor in the progression bar to another location in the video or song.
•In the screens where it appears, the volume bar can be dragged in the same way.
•In the Archos file browser, you can drag the scroll bar up and down.
•In the PDF viewer and in the Web browser, you can scroll up and down by tapping on the page and dragging it up or down (be careful not to tap on a link!).
Note: in this manual, reactive areas will be surrounded with red dots on screenshots showing touchscreen controls.