FM Radio
Listen to FM Ratio
M5001/M5002 supports FM radio function.Follow steps below to enjoy FM radio.
1.To listen to the FM radio broadcast by M5001/M5002, select the Radio option on Main Menu and press OK key to enter. (Also, the earphones have to be plugged, they are the antenna of M5001/M5002)
2.In the very first time performing FM function, you will see “Searching…” message on the display. The system will search for stations available and set as default channels.
3.Then you can press Play key to switch between the channel option and frequency. When channel option is highlighted with left and right arrows, press left or right arrow to select a channel preset.
4.When radio frequency bar is highlighted with left and right arrows, press the left or right key to adjust the frequency you want. You can hold the keys to adjust faster.