Lincoln Electric IM605 manual Wiring Diagram

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Image 26
Contents Square Wave TIG Safety California Proposition 65 WarningsElectric Shock can kill Welding Sparks can cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Sûreté Pour Soudage a L’ArcThank You Table of Contents Installation Square Wave TIGStacking Select Suitable LocationElectric Shock can kill Lifting and MovingInput Reconnect Procedure Input Supply ConnectionsWork Cable Connection Output ConnectionsConnections for TIG Gtaw Welding TIG Torch ConnectionStick Electrode Cable and Work Cable Connection Remote Control ConnectionConnections for Stick Smaw Welding General Description Safety PrecautionsOperation Included EquipmentControls and Settings Power Switch & Light Turns power onOperating Steps Welding in TIG ModeRemote Control Operation Benefits of the Square Wave DesignSmaw Process Welding in Stick ModeRecommended Electrode Amperage Ranges Square Wave TIG Gtaw ProcessAccessories Optional AccessoriesRoutine and Periodic Maintenance MaintenanceSafety Precautions FAN Motor or FAN Blade ReplacementTroubleshooting HOW to USE Troubleshooting GuideCourse of Action SymptomsPossible Areas Troubleshooting TIG Mode Problems Square Wave TIG APR96TIG Welding Problems Troubleshooting Field Service Facility for technical Problems Possible AreasSymptoms Misadjustmentss Course of Action Wiring Diagram Square Wave TIG Square Wave TIG Basic Course $700.00Precaucion Aviso DE