This motor has a manual thermal overload protector. If the motor overheats for any reason, the overload protector will shut off the motor. The motor must be allowed to cool down before restarting. To restart:
1.Place the On/Auto/Off lever in the Off position.
2.Allow the motor to cool.
3.Depress the red reset button on the motor.
4.Place the On/Auto/Off lever in the On/Auto postion to restart the motor.
IMPORTANT: If the overload protector shuts the motor off frequently, check for a possible voltage problem. Low voltage can also be suspected when:
1. The motor does not get up to full power or speed.
2.Fuses blow out when starting the motor; lights dim and remain dim when motor is started and is running.
To Replace Belt
Serious injury or damage may occur if parts of the body or loose items get caught in moving parts.
Never operate the unit with the belt guard removed. The belt guard should be removed only when the compresor is unplugged.
1.Unplug compressor.
2.Remove the front of the belt guard by disengaging the snaps. Insert a flat bladed screwdriver at each snap loca- tion and pry the beltguard apart.
3.Loosen the wing nut on hold down plate and tilt motor to allow for easy removal or installation of the belt.
4.Remove belt.
5.Replace belt. NOTE: The belt must be centered over the grooves on the fly- wheel and motor pulley.
6.Turn the wing nut on the hold down plate until it makes contact with the washer, plus one additional turn.
7.Replace the belt guard.
Belt Guard
Wing Nut
17 - ENG | D23269 |