Grizzly G0715P Assembly, To assemble the table saw, WgVXZdgaViZgbVXcZigVchedgi#, =c\Z HdX`Zi

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6hhZbWan Xdch^hih d[ ^chiVaa^c\ b^cdg Xdbed" cZcih!i]ZZmiZch^dcl^c\h![ZcXZgV^ah![ZcXZ!VcY WaVYZ\jVgY#

To assemble the table saw:

1. GZbdkZi]Zh]^ee^c\WgVXZhZZFigure 12!



Figure 12.H]^ee^c\WgVXZadXVi^dc#

2. Ejaai]ZbV\cZi^Xhl^iX]djid[i]ZhVlXVW^" cZi!VcY^chiVaai]ZYddgWn^chZgi^c\i]ZYddg e^ch ^cid i]Z ]^c\Z hdX`Zih dc i]Z XVW^cZi hZZFigure13#

=^c\Z HdX`Zi

Figure 13.9ddg^chiVaaZY#

3.7Z[dgZ Xadh^c\ i]Z Yddg! i]dgdj\]an XaZVc i]Z ]ZVkn"Yjin gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ d[[ d[ i]Z \ZVg^c\ ^ch^YZ i]Z hVl VcY XdVi i]ZhZ l^i] i]Z Veegdeg^ViZ bZiVa egdiZXiVci gZ[Zg id Lubrication dc Page 58 [dg i]Z adXVi^dc d[ \ZVgh#


4. I]gZVY ZVX] d[ i]Z ]VcYaZh dcid i]Z ]VcYl]ZZah!i]Zci^\]iZci]Zbl^i]V&)bb lgZcX]hZZFigure 14#


Figure 14.=VcYl]ZZa^chiVaaZY#

5. GZbdkZ i]Z h^m XVe hXgZlh! [aVi lVh]Zgh! VcYadX`lVh]Zgh[gdbWdi]h^YZhd[i]ZbV^c iVWaZ#

6. >cheZXi i]Z ZmiZch^dc l^c\h VcY bV^c iVWaZ bVi^c\hjg[VXZh[dgWjgghdg[dgZ^\cbViZg^Vah i]VibVn^c]^W^iVhhZbWan#

 ;dgVXdggZXi[^i!i]ZbVi^c\ZY\Zhd[i]ZiVWaZ VcYl^c\hbjhiWZXaZVc!hbddi]!VcY[aVi#>[ cZXZhhVgn!jhZVl^gZWgjh]dg[^aZidgZbdkZ Vcn[aVh]^c\!Y^c\h!dg]^\]hedih#

7. L]^aZ V ]ZaeZg ]daYh i]Z l^c\h ^c eaVXZ! ViiVX]ZVX]ZmiZch^dcl^c\idi]ZbV^ciVWaZ l^i] i]Z i]gZZ B&%"&#* m '* XVe hXgZlh! &%bbadX`lVh]Zgh!VcY&%bb[aVilVh]Zgh gZbdkZY^cStep 5hZZFigure15#


Figure 15.:miZch^dcl^c\h^chiVaaZY#


Image 23
Contents Model G0715P Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents NdjgBVXcZ IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info Machine DescriptionIdentification Machine Data Sheet Motors Main Miter Gauge Information Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh# SafetySafety Instructions for Machinery DWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety for Table Saws Below are ways to avoid the most common causes of kickback Preventing KickbackProtecting Yourself From Kickback GeZcXZVXZheVgVaaZaidiZVXZdiZhVl Glossary of TermsParallel7Zc\VcZfjVaYhiVcXZVeVgiViZkZgn WaVYZ#Circuit Information Power SupplyAvailability Full-Load Current Rating50 ft Grounding RequirementsExtension Cords Minimum Gauge Size 12 AWG7gZV`Zg Voltage ConversionConverting G0715P to Items Needed QtyDescription Qty SetupNeeded for Setup UnpackingHardware Recognition Chart Hardware Not ShownQty Box Contents Figures QtyInventory Hardware and Tools Not Shown Qty Components QtyDciZBdYZa%,&*E#  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# CleanupBasic steps for removing rust preventative Site Considerations =c\Z HdX`Zi AssemblyTo assemble the table saw WgVXZdgaViZgbVXcZigVchedgi#IZZmiZchdclc\Ydlc# ZmiZchdclc\je#ZcXZ BiZgHadi 7aVYZ ZcXZh 8Vb DdiTo connect to the power supply Power ConnectionTo connect a dust collection hose Dust CollectionRecommended CFM at Dust Port 400 CFM To test run the machine Recommended AdjustmentsAdjustments that should be verified Test Run HidehiZbVXcZbbZYViZanViZgiZXji hXdbeaZiZ# OperationsOperation Overview  HiVgihiZhVl#Through Cuts Basic Controls Non-Through Through CutsNon-Through Cuts Blade Selection Ripping Blade FeaturesWorkpiece Inspection Blade RequirementsDado Blades Crosscut blade features Laminate blade featuresCombination blade features VXc\iZXdggZXiYgZXidc# Blade InstallationTo install the blade WaVYZ# 6gWdgAdX`Spreader Blade Guard AssemblyInstalling Blade Guard & Spreader GuardEVla Anti-Kickback PawlsAVi=ZVYHXgZl When Not to Use the Blade Guard When to Use the Blade GuardRiving Knife How to Install the Riving KnifeWhen to Use the Riving Knife When Not to Use the Riving Knife HZiiZZcXZidiZYZhgZYlYidXjidc iZhXVaZ# RippingTo perform a miter cut To make a crosscut using the miter gaugeCrosscutting Miter Cuts  9H8DCC8II=H6LGDBEDLG Installing a Dado BladeBlade Tilt/Bevel Cuts Dado CuttingTo cut a dado with a dado blade Cutting Dadoes with a Dado BladeFinished Dado Cut Cut 1 Blade Cutting Dadoes with a Standard BladeTo use a standard saw blade to cut dadoes 9H8DCC8IH6LGDBEDLG7aVYZ8jiDji Rabbet CuttingCutting Rabbets with a Dado Blade ZcXZDg`eZXZL ZcXZ Cutting Rabbets with a Standard BladeTo cut rabbets with the standard blade BladeComponents Needed for Resaw Barrier ResawingMaking Resaw Barrier Tools NeededQtyTools Needed for the Auxiliary Fence Auxiliary FenceResawing Operations Components Needed for the Auxiliary Fence AdlZgiZWaVYZXdbeaZiZanWZadliZiVWaZ! Ldg`eZXZFront View GZhVl ZcXZ 7VggZgMaterial Needed for Featherboard Shop Made Safety AccessoriesFeatherboards Making a Featherboard8djciZghc`dc7diidb Hadi IdeKZl HYZKZl * $-Mounting Featherboard in Miter Slot Mounting Featherboards w/ClampsHjgZ# Using a Push StickPush Sticks ⁄2 GridMaking a Push Block Using a Push BlockPush Blocks Material Needed for Push Block Making a Narrow-Rip Push Block for an Auxiliary FenceMaterial Needed for Narrow Rip Auxiliary Fence & Push Block  # Using the Auxiliary Fence and Push BlockIVWaZ Outfeed & Support TablesCrosscut Sled DjiZZYT23146-Zero Clearance Insert for G0715P Aftermarket Accessories from GrizzlyT10222-Router Table Attachment T10223T10222H3309-EAB8AJ™Featherboard DjiZZYgdaaZghnhiZb#T20392-Success with Tablesaws Forrest Dado BladesUnpainted Cast Iron MaintenanceCleaning ScheduleGdciIgjccdc HaYZ LubricationTrunnion Slides Worm Gear, Bull Gear & LeadscrewHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting # 9jaaWaVYZ# GZeaVXZWaVYZPage 31# Blade Tilt Stops Setting 90 Stop Collar•Hide Setting 45 Stop CollarIdlVgYh*•jciaihidehVcYXVccdiWZiaiZY VcnbdgZ# •HfjVgZ 7aVYZ IVWaZMiter Slot to Blade Parallelism To adjust the blade parallel to the miter slotGdciIgjccdc Bdjcic\8VeHXgZl &d  I\iZciZildXVehXgZlhVcYgZXZX`iZSteps 2-5# GZVgIgjccdc Bdjcic\8VeHXgZl &dGZVg  Igjccdc Gdci IgjccdcChecking Alignment Adjusting AlignmentSpreader or Riving Knife Alignment DaadlChecking Alignment! Steps 1-3# Fence AdjustmentsAdjusting Bent Spreader/Riving Knife Height and SquareIdParallelism & Clamping Pressure# To adjust the fence parallelism and clampingParallelism & Clamping Pressure PressureTo offset the fence Optional Offset Fence Adjustment AddhZcWdigdciijbW`cdWhhZZFigure Checking/Setting 45 Stops Checking/Setting 90 StopsReplacing Belt Belt Tension ReplacementTensioning Belt EdcZcih WiringWiring Safety Instructions Shock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc110V/220V Wiring Diagram220 VAC PlugBdidg?jcXidc 7dm Electrical Components8VeVXidgh Body Parts+- &+ TrunnionMotor Junction BOX Trunnion Parts List%. &% Power SwitchMiter Gauge dg&&%KXdckZghdcDescription Blade GuardFence +%, +% +&. +%+ +%- +% +%. +&+ +&% +& + Rails+%+ Machine Labels 10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY