Grizzly G0715P owner manual 8Vb Ddi, ZcXZ BiZgHadi 7aVYZ ZcXZh

Page 25

12. 6iiVX]i]ZgZVggV^aidi]Z]daZhdci]ZbV^c iVWaZ jh^c\ ild B&%"&#* m '* XVe hXgZlh! &%bbadX`lVh]Zgh!VcY&%bb[aVilVh]Zgh! Vhh]dlc^cFigure20#8]ZX`idbV`ZhjgZ i]ZgZVggV^a^heVgVaaZaidi]ZiVWaZVcYWZadl i]Z b^iZg hadih WZ[dgZ XdbeaZiZan i^\]iZc^c\ i]ZXVehXgZlh#



Figure 20.GZVggV^a^chiVaaZY#

13. HZXjgZ i]Z gZVg gV^a id i]Z ZmiZch^dc l^c\h l^i]ildB-"&#'*m(*XVehXgZlh![djg-bb [aVilVh]Zgh!ild-bbadX`lVh]Zgh!VcYild B-"&#'*]Zmcjih#

14. >chiVaa i]Z hVl WaVYZ Vh djia^cZY ^c Blade InstallationdcPage 31.

15.EaVXZi]Z[ZcXZdci]ZgV^ahdci]Zg^\]i]VcY h^YZd[i]ZWaVYZ!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 21#








































Figure 21.;ZcXZ^chiVaaZYdcgV^ah#

Note: Make sure the cam foot contacts the cam on the fence lock handle before you place the fence on the rail; otherwise, the fence will not lock onto the rail tube.


16. 6Y_jhii]Z[ddiVii]ZgZVgd[i]Z[ZcXZhdi]Vi i]Z\VeWZilZZci]Z[ZcXZVcYi]ZiVWaZide ^hZkZc[gdb[gdciidWVX`#

17. Ha^YZi]Z[ZcXZjeV\V^chii]Zg^\]i]VcYZY\Z d[i]Zb^iZghadi!VcYadX`^i^ceaVXZ#:mVb^cZ ]dli]Z[ZcXZa^cZhjel^i]i]Zb^iZghadi#

Note: It is permissible for the back of the fence to pivot outward not more than 164" from being parallel with the miter slot. This creates a slightly larger opening between the fence and the blade, at the rear of the blade, to reduce the risk of workpiece binding or burn- ing as it is fed through the cut. Many wood- workers intentionally set up their fence in this manner. Keep this in mind before adjusting your fence. For more details, see Figure 117 on Page 69.












































































Figure 22.8]ZX`^c\[ZcXZeVgVaaZa^hbl^i]


>[ i]Z [ZcXZ ^h hi^aa eVgVaaZa l^i] i]Z b^iZg hadi!egdXZZYidStep 18#

>[ i]Z [ZcXZ ^h cdi eVgVaaZa l^i] i]Z b^iZg hadi! i]Zc ndj BJHI VY_jhi i]Z [ZcXZ! Vh YZhXg^WZY^cFence AdjustmentsdcPage 67!hdi]Vi^i^heVgVaaZa#

>[i]Zb^iZghadi^hcdieVgVaaZal^i]i]ZWaVYZ! ndjbjhi[daadli]ZegdXZYjgZhYZhXg^WZY ^c Miter Slot to Blade Parallelism dc Page 63#


Image 25
Contents Model G0715P Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy Contact Info IntroductionMachine Description NdjgBVXcZIdentification Machine Data Sheet Motors Main Miter Gauge Information Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety for Table Saws Protecting Yourself From Kickback Preventing KickbackBelow are ways to avoid the most common causes of kickback Parallel7Zc\VcZfjVaYhiVcXZVeVgiViZkZgn Glossary of TermsWaVYZ# GeZcXZVXZheVgVaaZaidiZVXZdiZhVlAvailability Power SupplyFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationExtension Cords Grounding RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 12 AWG 50 ftConverting G0715P to Voltage ConversionItems Needed Qty 7gZV`ZgNeeded for Setup SetupUnpacking Description QtyHardware Recognition Chart Inventory Box Contents Figures QtyHardware Not ShownQty DciZBdYZa%,&*E# Components QtyHardware and Tools Not Shown Qty Basic steps for removing rust preventative Cleanup EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# Site Considerations To assemble the table saw AssemblyWgVXZdgaViZgbVXcZigVchedgi# =c\Z HdX`ZiIZZmiZchdclc\Ydlc# ZmiZchdclc\je#ZcXZ BiZgHadi 7aVYZ ZcXZh 8Vb DdiTo connect to the power supply Power ConnectionRecommended CFM at Dust Port 400 CFM Dust CollectionTo connect a dust collection hose Adjustments that should be verified Recommended AdjustmentsTest Run To test run the machineOperation Overview Operations HiVgihiZhVl#  HidehiZbVXcZbbZYViZanViZgiZXji hXdbeaZiZ#Non-Through Cuts Basic Controls Non-Through Through CutsThrough Cuts Workpiece Inspection Ripping Blade FeaturesBlade Requirements Blade SelectionCombination blade features Crosscut blade features Laminate blade featuresDado Blades To install the blade Blade InstallationWaVYZ# 6gWdgAdX` VXc\iZXdggZXiYgZXidc#Installing Blade Guard & Spreader Blade Guard AssemblyGuard SpreaderAVi=ZVYHXgZl Anti-Kickback PawlsEVla When Not to Use the Blade Guard When to Use the Blade GuardWhen to Use the Riving Knife How to Install the Riving KnifeWhen Not to Use the Riving Knife Riving Knife HZiiZZcXZidiZYZhgZYlYidXjidc iZhXVaZ# RippingCrosscutting Miter Cuts To make a crosscut using the miter gaugeTo perform a miter cut Blade Tilt/Bevel Cuts Installing a Dado BladeDado Cutting  9H8DCC8II=H6LGDBEDLGFinished Dado Cut Cutting Dadoes with a Dado BladeTo cut a dado with a dado blade To use a standard saw blade to cut dadoes Cutting Dadoes with a Standard Blade9H8DCC8IH6LGDBEDLG Cut 1 BladeCutting Rabbets with a Dado Blade Rabbet CuttingZcXZ 7aVYZ8jiDjiTo cut rabbets with the standard blade Cutting Rabbets with a Standard BladeBlade Dg`eZXZL ZcXZMaking Resaw Barrier ResawingTools NeededQty Components Needed for Resaw BarrierResawing Operations Auxiliary FenceComponents Needed for the Auxiliary Fence Tools Needed for the Auxiliary FenceFront View Ldg`eZXZGZhVl ZcXZ 7VggZg  AdlZgiZWaVYZXdbeaZiZanWZadliZiVWaZ!Featherboards Shop Made Safety AccessoriesMaking a Featherboard Material Needed for Featherboard8djciZghc`dc7diidb Hadi IdeKZl HYZKZl * $-Mounting Featherboard in Miter Slot Mounting Featherboards w/ClampsPush Sticks Using a Push Stick⁄2 Grid HjgZ#Push Blocks Using a Push BlockMaking a Push Block Material Needed for Narrow Rip Auxiliary Fence & Push Block Making a Narrow-Rip Push Block for an Auxiliary FenceMaterial Needed for Push Block  # Using the Auxiliary Fence and Push BlockCrosscut Sled Outfeed & Support TablesDjiZZY IVWaZT10222-Router Table Attachment Aftermarket Accessories from GrizzlyT10223T10222 T23146-Zero Clearance Insert for G0715PH3309-EAB8AJ™Featherboard DjiZZYgdaaZghnhiZb#T20392-Success with Tablesaws Forrest Dado BladesCleaning MaintenanceSchedule Unpainted Cast IronTrunnion Slides LubricationWorm Gear, Bull Gear & Leadscrew GdciIgjccdc HaYZTroubleshooting ServiceHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc # 9jaaWaVYZ# GZeaVXZWaVYZPage 31# Blade Tilt Stops Setting 90 Stop CollarIdlVgYh*•jciaihidehVcYXVccdiWZiaiZY VcnbdgZ# Setting 45 Stop Collar•HfjVgZ 7aVYZ IVWaZ •HideMiter Slot to Blade Parallelism To adjust the blade parallel to the miter slotSteps 2-5#  I\iZciZildXVehXgZlhVcYgZXZX`iZGZVgIgjccdc Bdjcic\8VeHXgZl &d GdciIgjccdc Bdjcic\8VeHXgZl &dGZVg  Igjccdc Gdci IgjccdcSpreader or Riving Knife Alignment Adjusting AlignmentChecking Alignment Adjusting Bent Spreader/Riving Knife Fence AdjustmentsHeight and Square DaadlChecking Alignment! Steps 1-3#Parallelism & Clamping Pressure To adjust the fence parallelism and clampingPressure IdParallelism & Clamping Pressure# AddhZcWdigdciijbW`cdWhhZZFigure Optional Offset Fence AdjustmentTo offset the fence Checking/Setting 45 Stops Checking/Setting 90 StopsTensioning Belt Belt Tension ReplacementReplacing Belt Wiring Safety Instructions WiringShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc EdcZcih220 VAC Wiring DiagramPlug 110V/220V8VeVXidgh Electrical ComponentsBdidg?jcXidc 7dm Body Parts+- &+ TrunnionMotor Junction BOX Trunnion Parts ListMiter Gauge Power Switchdg&&%KXdckZghdc %. &%Description Blade GuardFence +%+ Rails+%, +% +&. +%+ +%- +% +%. +&+ +&% +& + Machine Labels 10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY