Blade Tilt/Bevel Cuts
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Figure 49#7aVYZi^aiZYid)*[dgWZkZaXjii^c\dc
Dado Cutting
8dbbdcan jhZY ^c [jgc^ijgZ _d^cZgn! V YVYd ^h V higV^\]iX]VccZaXji^ci]Z[VXZd[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ# 9VYdZhVgZcdc"i]gdj\]Xjihi]ViXVcWZbVYZ l^i]VYVYdWaVYZdgVhiVcYVgYhVlWaVYZ#I]Z FigureWZadlh]dlhVXjiVlVnk^Zld[VYVYdXji WZ^c\bVYZl^i]VYVYdWaVYZ#
Installing a Dado Blade
2. GZbdkZ i]Z iVWaZ ^chZgi! i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY VhhZbWandgg^k^c\`c^[Z!VcYi]ZhVlWaVYZ#
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4. >chiVaai]ZYVYdiVWaZ^chZgi#
Dado blades have a higher risk of kickback than normal blades because their larger size applies stronger forces to the workpiece. This risk increases relative to the depth and width of the cut. To minimize your risk of serious personal injury, ensure that stock is flat and straight, and make multiple light cuts (rather than one deep cut) to achieve the desired cutting depth.
DO NOT make through cuts with a dado blade. Dado blades are only intended for
Dado Blade
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Never try to dado a warped board by holding it down against the table. If kickback occurs, your hand will likely be pulled into the blade, resulting in serious personal injury.
Figure 50. :mVbeaZd[VYVYdWZ^c\Xjil^i]V

DO NOT make through cuts with a dado blade. Dado blades are only intended for
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