Resawing operations require proper pro- cedures to avoid serious injury. Extra care must be taken to prevent kickback when resawing. Any tilting or movement of the workpiece away from the fence will cause kickback. Be certain that stock is flat and straight. Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious personal injury.
GZhVl^c\ ^h i]Z egdXZhh d[ Xjii^c\ V i]^X` e^ZXZ d[hidX`^ciddcZdgbdgZi]^ccZge^ZXZh#6ai]dj\] gZhVl^c\XVcWZYdcZl^i]ViVWaZhVl!lZhigdc\" angZXdbbZcYi]VindjjhZVWVcYhVl^chiZVY#
6WVcYhVl^hi]Z^YZVabVX]^cZ[dggZhVl^c\!VcY gZhVl^c\l^i]dcZ^h[V^ganZVhnVcYhV[Z#6iVWaZ hVl ^h cdi ^ciZcYZY [dg gZhVl^c\! VcY gZhVl^c\ l^i] dcZ ^h Y^[[^Xjai VcY YVc\Zgdjh YjZ id i]Z ^cXgZVhZYg^h`d[`^X`WVX`[gdbW^cY^c\VcYYZZe Xjih!VcYi]Z^cXgZVhZYg^h`d[^c_jgn[gdb]Vk^c\ idgZbdkZi]Z\jVgY#
>[ndj^ch^hidcgZhVl^c\l^i]ViVWaZhVl!9DCDI Ydhdl^i]djijh^c\VgZhVlWVgg^ZgVcYlZVg^c\V [jaa[VXZh]^ZaY#I]Z[daadl^c\^chigjXi^dchYZhXg^WZ ]dlidWj^aYVgZhVlWVgg^ZgVcYVYYVcVjm^a^Vgn [ZcXZ id ndjg hiVcYVgY [ZcXZ! id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` ^c_jgn[gdbgZhVl^c\dcViVWaZhVl#
Note: To determine the maximum resawing height for this table saw, find the maximum blade height, then double it and subtract 1⁄8".
Making Resaw Barrier
I]Z gZhVl WVgg^Zg VXih ^c iVcYZb l^i] i]Z g^e [ZcXZ l]Zc gZhVl^c\ id egdk^YZ iVaa hjeedgi [dg i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id b^c^b^oZ i]Z egdWVW^a^in d[ ^i W^cY^c\V\V^chii]ZWaVYZVcYXVjh^c\`^X`WVX`#
Tools Needed:Qty
?d^ciZgVcYEaVcZg####################### GZXdbbZcYZY 8aVbeh############################################### 'B^c^bjb 9g^aaVcY9g^aa7^ih################################################&
Components Needed for Resaw Barrier:
Only use
To build the resaw barrier:
1. 8ji ndjg lddY e^ZXZh id i]Z h^oZ heZX^[^ZY | ||
| VWdkZ# >[ ndj VgZ jh^c\ ]VgYlddY! Xji i]Z | |
| e^ZXZhdkZgh^oZ!i]Zc_d^ciVcYeaVcZi]Zbid | |
| i]ZXdggZXih^oZidbV`ZhjgZi]ZnVgZhfjVgZ | |
| VcY[aVi# |
2. | EgZ"Yg^aa VcY XdjciZgh^c` [djg ]daZh Veegdm^" | |
| bViZan | |
| lddYe^ZXZ# |
3. | <ajZi]ZZcYd[i]Z(WdVgY!i]ZcXaVbei]Z | |
| WdVgYhViV.%Vc\aZl^i]i]ZaVg\ZgWdVgY^c | |
| i]ZkZgi^XVaedh^i^dc!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 59! | |
| [VhiZcid\Zi]Zgl^i]i]ZlddYhXgZlh# | |
| (¿) | |
LddYHXgZl | ||
| (¿) |
| 6hhZbWaZY |
| GZhVl7Vgg^Zg |
| Figure 59.GZhVlWVgg^Zg# |