Adjusting Blade |
| <j^YZ7adX` |
| |
Guide Bearings |
| 8VeHXgZlh | 7aVYZ<j^YZ | |
| 7ZVg^c\h | ||
L]Zc egdeZgan VY_jhiZY id i]Z WaVYZ! i]Z jeeZg |
| |
VcY adlZg WaVYZ \j^YZ WZVg^c\h egdk^YZ h^YZ"id" |
| |
h^YZ hjeedgi i]Vi `ZZeh i]Z WaVYZ higV^\]i l]^aZ |
| |
Xjii^c\# |
Upper Blade Guide Bearings |
| AViZgVaGdY | GdiVi^dc | |
1. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z WaVYZ ^h egdeZgan iZch^dcZY |
| 6Y_jhibZci7dai | ||
| 6Y_jhibZci7dai | |||
Page 22 VcY i]Z WaVYZ ^h igVX`^c\ ^h Xdg" |
| Figure 41.GZVgjeeZgWaVYZ\j^YZXdcigdah | ||
gZXianPage 16# |
| ||
| WaVYZ\jVgYgZbdkZY[dge]didXaVg^in# | |
2. 9>H8DCC:8I76C9H6L;GDBEDL:G | 5. AddhZci]ZgdiVi^dcVY_jhibZciWdaihdcWdi] | |||
| |||
3. BV`ZhjgZi]ZWaVYZ\j^YZVcYhjeedgiWZVg" |
| h^YZhd[i]ZWaVYZFigures | ||
^c\h VgZ egdeZgan Va^\cZY l^i] i]Z WaVYZ! Vh | 6. | GdiViZi]Z`cjgaZY`cdWhFigure 40idedh^" | ||
^chigjXiZYdcPage 26# |
| |||
| i^dc i]Z WZVg^c\h Vh XadhZ id i]Z WaVYZ Vh | |
4. ;Vb^a^Vg^oZ ndjghZa[ l^i] i]Z jeeZg WaVYZ |
| edhh^WaZl^i]djiidjX]^c\^i# |
| |
WZVg^c\Xdcigdahh]dlc^cFigures | Note: Ideally, the bearings should be approx- | |||
| |||
| imately 0.004" away from the blade, which is | |
Hjeedgi7ZVg^c\ |
| approximately the thickness of paper. | |
H]V[i6Y_jhibZci7dai |
| 7. GZ"i^\]iZc Wdi] gdiVi^dc VY_jhibZci Wdaih id | ||
| |||
| hZXjgZi]ZWaVYZWZVg^c\h^ceaVXZ# | |
@cjgaZY@cdW | GdiVi^dc |
6Y_jhibZci7dai |
| |
| |
Figure 40.;gdcijeeZgWaVYZ\j^YZXdcigdah |
| |
WaVYZ\jVgYgZbdkZY[dge]didXaVg^in# |
Note: If you choose, you can remove the two lower cap screws and the upper hex bolt that secure the blade guard, then have another person hold the guard out of the way while you adjust the upper blade guide and support bearings.
Make sure to firmly secure the blade guard in place when you have completed the adjust- ment.
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