Note: If you choose, you can remove the two lower cap screws and the upper hex bolt that secure the blade guard, then have another person hold the guard out of the way while you adjust the upper blade guide and support bearings.
Make sure to firmly secure the blade guard in place when you have completed the adjust- ment.
4. AddhZc i]Z gdiVi^dc VY_jhibZci Wdaih! i]Zc jhZ i]Z `cjgaZY `cdWh id bdkZ i]Z \j^YZ WZVg^c\hVlVn[gdbi]ZWaVYZ#
5. AddhZc i]Z \j^YZ WadX` XVe hXgZlh! i]Zc gdiViZi]ZWaVYZ\j^YZVhhZbWanh^YZ"id"h^YZ jci^a i]Z [VXZ d[ i]Z hjeedgi WZVg^c\ ^h eZg" eZcY^XjaVg.%idi]ZWaVYZ!Vh^aajhigViZY^c Figure 34#
Hjeedgi 7ZVg^c\
Figure 34.HjeedgiWZVg^c\.%idi]ZWaVYZ#
6. GZ"i^\]iZc i]Z \j^YZ WadX` XVe hXgZlh id hZXjgZi]ZhjeedgiWZVg^c\edh^i^dc#
7. AddhZci]ZhjeedgiWZVg^c\h]V[iVY_jhibZci
Figures 32–33#
8. 6Y_jhi i]Z WaVYZ \j^YZ WZVg^c\h jci^a i]Z ZY\Zhd[i]ZWZVg^c\hVgZ&¿+)Veegdm^bViZan i]Zi]^X`cZhhd[[djge^ZXZhd[eVeZgWZ]^cY i]ZWaVYZ\jaaZih!Vh^aajhigViZY^cFigure 35#
Note: With larger blades it may not be pos- sible to reach the 1⁄64" spacing. In this case, adjust the bearings as far forward to the blade gullets as possible.
Figure 35.AViZgVaVY_jhibZcid[\j^YZWZVg^c\h#
9. Edh^i^dci]ZhjeedgiWZVg^c\hdi]Vi^i^h&¿+)
Veegdm^bViZan i]Z i]^X`cZhh d[ [djg e^ZXZh
d[ eVeZg WZ]^cY i]Z WaVYZ! Vh ^aajhigViZY ^c
Figure 36#
Note: The goal is to position the support bearing so it will support the blade when pressure is applied during the cutting opera- tion.
Figure 36.HjeedgiWZVg^c\egdeZganedh^i^dcZY