Setup Procedures
7Z[dgZ XdccZXi^c\ ndjg WVcYhVl id edlZg [dg i]Z [^ghi i^bZ VcY eZg[dgb^c\ i]Z Test Run dc Page 20! ndj BJHI hjXXZhh[jaan XdbeaZiZ i]Z [daadl^c\ iVh`h ^c i]Z [daadl^c\ dgYZg eZg i]Z ^chigjXi^dchdci]ZgZ[ZgZcXZYeV\Zh/
BV`Z hjgZ i]Z WaVYZ ^h igVX`^c\ egdeZgan Page 16#
6Y_jhii]Zedh^i^kZhideWdaiPage 17# 6hhZbWaZi]Z[ZcXZPage 19#
8dccZXi i]Z WVcYhVl id Vc VYZfjViZ Yjhi XdaaZXi^dchnhiZbPage 20#
Blade Tracking
Serious personal injury may occur if the machine accidentally starts dur- ing this procedure. Disconnect the machine from power and keep your hands away from the blade when adjusting blade tracking.
7aVYZigVX`^c\^hV[[ZXiZYWni]Zi^aid[i]ZjeeZg l]ZZa `cdlc Vh XZciZg igVX`^c\ VcY i]Z Va^\c" bZci d[ Wdi] l]ZZah `cdlc Vh XdeaVcVg igVX`" ^c\#
I]Zl]ZZahdci]^hWVcYhVllZgZVa^\cZYVii]Z [VXidgn!hdXZciZgigVX`^c\^hi]ZdcanVY_jhibZci i]VicZZYhidWZeZg[dgbZYl]Zci]ZhVl^hcZl gZ[Zgidi]ZAligning WheelshjWhZXi^dcdcPage 60[dgYZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dchdcXdeaVcVgigVX`^c\#
Note: Changes in the blade tension may change the blade tracking. For best performance, regularly check and maintain the proper blade tracking.
To center track the blade:
2. 6Y_jhi i]Z jeeZg VcY adlZg WaVYZ \j^YZh VlVn [gdb i]Z WaVYZ gZ[Zg id Adjusting Blade Guide Bearings dc Page 29 [dg YZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dch#
Note: When adjusting the blade tracking, the blade must have a reasonable amount of ten- sion to simulate operating conditions. After the Test Run is successfully completed, you will perform a thorough version of the follow- ing steps to correctly tension the blade.
3. BdkZi]ZWaVYZiZch^dcfj^X`gZaZVhZaZkZgVaa
bVX]^cZ id Veean iZch^dc id i]Z WaVYZ hZZ
Figure 11#
IZch^dc |
| Fj^X` |
| GZaZVhZ |
| AZkZg |
| |
Figure 11.7aVYZiZch^dcXdcigdah#
4. JhZ i]Z iZch^dc ]VcYl]ZZa id Wg^c\ i]Z ed^ciZgdci]ZiZch^dchXVaZidi]ZVeegdeg^" ViZbVg`[dgi]ZWaVYZl^Yi]#
The cast iron wheel spokes may have sharp edges and the blade teeth may extend beyond the edge of the wheel, creating a laceration hazard. Wear heavy leather gloves and be careful when turning the wheels by hand.