Jh^c\VWaVYZl^i]Vajbendg^begdeZgan[^c" ^h]ZYWgVoZdglZaY#
8dci^cjdjhangjcc^c\i]ZWVcYhVll]Zccdi ^cjhZ#
Jh^c\i]Zlgdc\IE>[dgi]Zldg`e^ZXZi]^X`" cZhh# I]Z \ZcZgVa gjaZ d[ i]jbW ^h i]gZZ iZZi]^ci]Zldg`e^ZXZViVaai^bZh#
Blade Changes
Always disconnect power to the machine when changing blades. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury.
All saw blades are dan- gerous and may cause personal injury. To reduce the risk of being injured, wear leather gloves when handling saw blades.
Removing a Blade
2. GZaZVhZi]ZWaVYZiZch^dc#
3. GZbdkZ i]Z iVWaZ ^chZgi VcY i]Z iVWaZ e^c# 6Y_jhii]ZjeeZgVcYadlZg\j^YZWZVg^c\hVh [VgVlVnVhedhh^WaZ[gdbi]ZWaVYZ#
4. DeZci]ZWdi]l]ZZaXdkZgh!VcYl^i]\adkZY
5. Ha^YZi]ZWaVYZi]gdj\]i]Zhadi^ci]ZiVWaZ#
Replacing a Blade
1. Ha^YZi]ZWaVYZi]gdj\]i]ZiVWaZhadi!Zchjg" ^c\ i]Vi i]Z iZZi] VgZ ed^ci^c\ [dglVgY VcY Ydlc idlVgY i]Z iVWaZ# Note: If the teeth will not point downward in any orientation, the blade is
2. Ha^ei]ZWaVYZi]gdj\]i]Z\j^YZh!VcYbdjci ^i dc i]Z jeeZg VcY adlZg l]ZZah Figure 58#
Figure 58.Ine^XVaZmVbeaZd[eaVX^c\WaVYZdc
3. 6Y_jhiiZch^dcVhYZhXg^WZYdcPage 22#
4.6Y_jhiigVX`^c\^[cZZYZYhZZPage 16#
5. 6a^\ci]ZjeeZgVcYadlZghjeedgiVcY\j^YZ WZVg^c\h hZZ Page 26! i]Zc VY_jhi i]Z WaVYZ\j^YZWZVg^c\hhZZPage 29#
7. 8adhZi]Zl]ZZaXdkZgh#
When you change the blade or adjust the tension and tracking, the spaces between the guide and support bearings will change. In these cases, you must adjust the upper and lower guide and support bearings before continuing with cutting operations (Pages 26 & 29).
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