Installing Pain-End
Using plain end blades requires the use of blade adapters. The blade adapters attach to each end of the saw blade, allowing plain end blade to be installed on the upper and lower blade holders.
To install a plain end blade, do these steps:
2.Turn the tension adjustment knob counter- clockwise to decrease the tension.
3.Loosen the setscrews (Figure 5) on the blade adapters to allow the saw blade ends to slide through the mounting holes. The setscrews can be threaded into either set of holes depending on whether side cutting or straight cutting is desired.
4.Position the blade adapters in the gauge on top of the scroll saw (Figure 6) to correctly set the blade length.
5.TIghten the blade adapter setscrews to securely position the blade in the center of the mounting holes
6.Remove the throat plate and slide the saw blade down through the table insert hole so the teeth face forward and down.
7.Slide the lower blade adapter over the mounting arm of the lower blade holder. Then, press the upper blade holder down- ward and slide the upper blade adapter over the mounting arm of the upper blade hold- er (Figure 7).
8.Turn the tension adjustment knob clockwise to increase the blade tension to the desired amount.
9.Replace the throat plate removed in step 6.
Figure 5. Blade adapter setscrews.