| PR14 |
| AIR RIVETER - 3/32", 1/8", | ||||||
| 5/32", 3/16" AND 1/4" CAPACITY | |||||||
| |
OPERATION | How to change jaw assembly if ever necessary? | ||||||||||||
When you insert a rivet keep your hands clear of | 1. Remove outer cylinder | ||||||||||||
2. Next, using the two wrenches supplied to unscrew jaw carrier | |||||||||||||
Insert rivet shank till the button is seated against the Nose Piece | |||||||||||||
hand the jaw cylinder holding the rivet gun on a flat surface this will | |||||||||||||
pressure against the rivet and work piece. Most of the time when using | |||||||||||||
allow the jaw pusher | |||||||||||||
aluminum rivets one squeeze of the trigger will be sufficient to set the | |||||||||||||
rivet, however it may take more than one squeeze depending on the | |||||||||||||
Be careful when unscrewing the jaw carrier as there is a slight spring | |||||||||||||
length of the rivet and the type of rivet material (aluminum or steel). Make | |||||||||||||
pressure forcing the jaw carrier away from the handle. | |||||||||||||
sure that if the rivet has not set that you release the trigger and push the | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||
nose piece against the rivet button again till the shank separates from |
| FIG. 1 |
| FIG. 2 |
| ||||||||
the rivet. |
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It is easier to replace the nose pieces if you remove the Outer Cylinder |
| |||||||
| ||||||||
refer to FIG. 1. You must also remove the outer cylinder if you are going to |
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replace the set of jaws (3 required) |
| |||||||
Unlike the older models, the PR14 uses one set of jaws for all rivet sizes. |
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Any time you remove the Outer Cylinder always add a little lubricant to the |
| |||||||
| ||||||||
Principal Axis | 3. When the jaw carrier is unscrewed, tilt the nose part of the jaw carrier at a | ||||||||||||
Please refer to | FIG. 2. You will find that one set of jaws will probable last a | ||||||||||||
very long time. |
| slight downward angle to help prevent the jaws from falling out see FIG. 3. | |||||||
Daily: Add a few drops of oil to the air inlet. | 4. Before reassembly throughly clean with a brush and lubricate all inner | ||||||||||||
assembly parts with #10 spindle oil or good quality air tool oil. | |||||||||||||
When necessary add a drop or two of #10 Spindle oil or good quality air | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||
| FIG. 3 |
| ||||||||
tool oil thru the Nose Piece |
| ||||||||
Always empty the plastic rivet catcher (bottle) |
| |||||||
no more than 25% of its capacity or the rivets might start stacking upon |
| |||||||
one another. |
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Always keep your air riveter clean and oiled, use only filtered air from |
| |||||||
your air compressor that does not contain debris and water as unfiltered |
| |||||||
air can cause premature failure of your air tools. |
| |||||||
| ||||
| 5. Assembly of jaws set | ||||||
SERVICING COMPONETS | hand as in FIG. 4 leaving about ¼” (6MM) space between the palm | ||||||||||||
and the jaw carrier. |
| |||||||||
Before performing any service or maintenance to the air | 6. Next, drop each jaw into the jaw carrier at 120 degrees angle till all three | ||||||||||||
jaws are evenly protruding through the jaw carrier. You may find a small | |||||||||||||
powered rivet gun and/or its componets, always discon- | amount of light white grease will hold each jaw to one another as well as | ||||||||||||
holding the individual jaws in the jaw carrier. | |||||||||||||
nect the air supply and bleed off any air from the rivet | |||||||||||||
7. While holding the rivet gun bottom down on a flat surface, reassemble | |||||||||||||
gun by squeezing the handle several times. | the jaw carrier to the jaw cylinder, and reverse the removal procedure | ||||||||||||
| for reassembly. |
| ||
How to change nose pieces? | NOTE: Be careful that all of the jaws are aligned properly and protruding evenly | ||||||||||||
through the jaw carrier before reassembling. | |||||||||||||
1. Remove outer cylinder | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||
wrenches supplied. |
| FIG. 4 |
| |||||||
2. Unscrew nose piece |
| |||||||
desired nose piece onto the outer cylinder just 2 or 3 threads. |
| |||||||
Please refer to FIG. 3. |
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3. Next, add a few drops of light machine oil #10 spindle oil or a good |
| |||||||
quality air tool oil to the jaws and also add a little white grease to |
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the smooth principal axis |
| |||||||
threaded shaft. |
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4. Finally, screw the outer cylinder back onto the rivet gun by hand |
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| ||||||||
and tighten both the nose piece and the outer cylinder | 8. After assembling and tightening the jaws in the jaw carrier check the | ||||||||||||
with the wrenches supplied. | |||||||||||||
head length of the rivet gun head using the wrench provided as in FIG.5. | |||||||||||||
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| FIG. 1 |
| FIG. 2 |
| FIG. 5 |
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