4.Insert a drawer side under the front clamp. This piece will be vertical. Adjust the height so the top end of the vertical piece overlaps the end of the hor- izontal piece. At this point, it is not critical that the pieces be flush.
5.Clamp the side in place.
6.Release the horizontal piece and butt it against the side piece mounted in the front of the jig. Ensure that the horizontal piece remains centered under the template fingers.
7.Release the side piece and slide it to the right so that the edges of the pieces are offset by one full width of a template finger. With the included template, the measurement of offset is 1⁄2".
8.Slide the front side stop against the side piece edge and tighten down. Be careful not to over tighten.
9.Check to make sure the drawer front is centered under the template finger, the drawer side is offset from the drawer front by the width of a template fin- ger, and that all edges are flush against one another. Also, make sure the drawer edges are flush against the side stops.
10.Your jig set up should look like Figure 10.
x |
x | x |
Figure 9B. Offset the two drawer pieces by width of a tem-
plate finger.
The dovetail jig is capable of processing (2) sets of joints at one time if the sum of the widths of both sets is less than 12". If you wish to make (2) sets of joints at one time, adjust both sets of side stops at each end of the jig. Refer to Steps
Side Stops
Figure 10. Jig side stops correctly set up.
For the best results, we recommend using 3⁄4" (or thicker) material for drawer fronts and backs and material approximately 1⁄2" (or slightly thicker) for drawer sides. Make sure there is no more than 1⁄4" difference in wood thickness between the front/back and the sides. Make sure when preparing your lum- ber for dovetailing that all materials are squared uni- formly to 90°. Lumber that isn’t square will just about guarantee unsatisfactory results.
It is also essential that all adjustments of the jig be set exactly parallel. Before making a cut, inspect:
1.Alignment between front and side workpieces.
2.Alignment between the wood, the stops, and jig.
3.Alignment between the template and the front edge of the wood.
4.Alignment between the fence and the front of the template.
Woodstock Intl., Inc. D2796 | - 9 - |