1.The hand levers clamp your workpiece in place.
2.The fence knobs hold the fence in place. Loosen these knobs to adjust fence position.
3.The upper side stops align the workpiece hori- zontally under the template.
4.The front side stops align the vertical workpiece to the horizontal workpiece.
5.The template knobs hold the template in place. Loosen these knobs to adjust template position.
6.The clamping pressure knobs control the height of the clamping bar and adjust cam clamping pres- sure.
When describing adjustments and operations in this manual, reference is made to the pieces being joined as fronts, backs or sides. These pieces indi- cate drawer fronts, backs, and sides. Front and back pieces mount horizontally on top of the jig and side pieces mount vertically in the front of the jig. The insides of the boards always face out!
Template Knob
Fence Knob
Hand Lever
Clamping Pressure Knob
Upper Side Stops
Front Side Stops
Clamping Pressure Knob Hand Lever
Figure 7 shows the adjustment locations for the dovetail jig.
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