aPPendix B
Time Stamp:
“7c bd 9c 91” 2442968444(919cbd7c hex)usec = 2442.9sec Time stamp from the head of the hour in usec.
NMEA Sentence:
“$GPRMC, 214042, A, 3708.3087, N, 12139.5146W, 000.0, 000.0, 160311, 014.8, E, A*0C”
[ 20 ]
“7c bd 9c 91” 2442968444(919cbd7c hex)usec = 2442.9sec Time stamp from the head of the hour in usec.
“$GPRMC, 214042, A, 3708.3087, N, 12139.5146W, 000.0, 000.0, 160311, 014.8, E, A*0C”
[ 20 ]