Velodyne Acoustics HDL-32E user manual APPendix e etHernet transit tiMinG taBLe

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notes: All times in microseconds. Combine the value shown from the packet timestamp (microseconds from the top of the hour), to arrive at actual laser firing time. Rotary encoder value is read at the beginning of packet creatione at actual laser firing time.

Timestamp is recorded and written at end of packet creation.

Formula to determine timing is: -542.592 + (Packet Offset/100 * 46.08) + (Dsr # * 1.152).

aPPendix e: etHernet transit tiMinG taBLe

HDL-32E User’s Manual

Image 27
Contents E R ’ S M a N U a L a N D HDL-32ECalibration and Orientation Digital Sensor Recorder DSRHDL-32E Sample Data Packets Coordinate Calculation Algorithm Sample CodePage Introduction Principles of Operation PrinciPLes of oPerationSetuP Case ContentsMount Base Weather Connect Power and ComputerWiring OperateUsaGe HDL-32 MAC ID and IP address format Mac IDIP Address UsaGe External GPS Time Synchronization GPS Receiver Option 1 Velodyne Supplied GPS ReceiverGPS Receiver Option 2 Customer’s GPS Receiver Images below show the GPS receiver included with the HDL-32E Packet Format and Status Byte for GPS Time Stamping Time Stamping Accuracy RulesLaser Timing Laser Firing Sequence Firing orderVertical angle TrouBLesHootinG Problem ResolutionSerVice and Maintenance SPecifications Live Playback InstallAPPendix a diGitaL sensor recorder dsr CalibratePlayback of Recorded files APPendix aRotational ZoomAxis Rotation ShiftData Packet Format APPendix B HdL-32e saMPLe data PacKetsAPPendix B Figure B2 Positioning PacketFigure B3 Nmea Sentence Time StampEthernet Packet Example APPendix c coordinate caLcuLation aLGoritHM saMPLe code Distance Calibration APPendix d caLiBration and orientationCalibration and Orientation Laser Spot SizeAPPendix e etHernet transit tiMinG taBLe Velodyne LiDAR, Inc