P |
.pen files | 72 |
.pes files | 72 |
Pan | 40 |
pattern information | 51 |
adding comments | 51 |
Photo Stitch 1 | 11, 19 |
Photo Stitch 2 | 21 |
Port | 5 |
previewing | 41 |
Printer | 5 |
printing |
embroidery patterns | 55 |
preview | 55 |
settings | 54 |
Processor | 5 |
Programmable fill stitch | 69 |
Property | 51 |
Q |
Quick Access Toolbar | 61, 62, 63 |
R |
Realistic View | 41 |
settings | 41 |
Redo | 62 |
Region sew button | 45 |
Registration | 9 |
Ribbon | 61 |
Run Pitch | 20 |
running stitch | 68 |
S |
satin stitch | 69 |
saving | 18 |
Scaling patterns | 38 |
Select from Candidates | 20 |
selecting |
all embroidery patterns | 37 |
colors | 20, 23 |
patterns | 37 |
Sew Page Color | 20 |
Sew type selector | 45 |
Sewing Attribute pane | 61 |
sewing attributes |
setting | 46 |
sewing direction |
programmable fill stitch | 69 |
Sewing Option | 20, 23 |
sewing order |
editing | 44 |
Sewing Order pane | 61 |
Shortcut keys | 64 |
Solid View | 41 |
Special colors | 47 |
Status bar | 61 |
Stitch Simulator | 42, 61 |
Stitch View | 41 |
System Requirements | 5 |
| T |
Technical Support | 9 |
Text Attribute pane | 61 |
Text Attribute Setting | 35 |
Text Size selector | 35 |
Thread Chart | 20, 23 |
Thread Colors Used | 23 |
Transferring | 16, 52 |
| U |
Under sewing | 68, 69 |
Undo | 62 |
uninstallating | 9 |
units of measure | 57 |
USB cable | 17, 53 |
USB media | 53 |
USB port | 5 |
user thread color list | 58 |
| W |
Window | 61 |
Write to Card | 16, 52, 72 |
| Z |
zigzag stitch | 68 |
Zoom | 40 |
Zoom ratio | 61 |