If a problem occurs, click Customer Support on the menu of
If you have a problem, check the following solutions. If the solutions suggested do not correct the problem, contact your authorized dealer or Brother Customer Service.
Problem | Estimated Cause | Solution | Page |
| An operation not described |
| in the installation procedure |
| was performed. (For | Follow the instructions as the software |
| example, Cancel was |
| |
| installs to correctly install the software. |
| |
The software is not installed | clicked or the |
| |
correctly. | removed before the |
| procedure was completed.) |
| The installer does not | Refer to the memo on page 6 of the |
| Operation Manual, “If the installer does |
| |
| automatically start up. |
| |
| not automatically start up”. |
| |
| |
| If the operation |
| described at the |
| left does not |
The message “No card writer | The driver for the USB | When the USB connector is correctly | correct the |
module is connected. Please | plugged into the USB port, the installer | problem, go to the |
| |
Card Writer Module is not |
| |||
connect card writer module.” | for the driver of the USB Card Writer | Web site |
| |
installed correctly. |
| |||
appeared. | Module starts up. | mentioned under |
| |
| |||
| “Technical |
| Support”. |
| (Refer to page 9.) | Supplement |
| |
When trying to upgrade from |
| To upgrade the USB Card Writer |
| |
| ||
an older version, the message |
| Module, the computer with the Card |
“Cannot connect to the | The computer with the | Writer Module connected to its USB |
Internet.” or “The server could | USB Card Writer Module | port must connect to the Internet. If |
not be connected to. Wait a | connected to its USB port | firewall software is being used, it must |
while, and then try connecting | could not establish a | be temporarily disabled during the |
again.” appeared and the USB | connection to the Internet. | upgrade. If a connection to the Internet |
Card Writer Module could not |
| cannot be established, contact your |
be upgraded. |
| authorized dealer. |
| Connect the USB Card Writer Module |
The USB Card Writer Module | Not enough power is | to a USB port on the computer or to a |
| |||
does not operate correctly. | being supplied. |
| |
enough power to the Card Writer |
| ||
| |
| Module. |