Directory and File Structure
The following list represents the directories and related subdirectories included in the MATWorX 32 suite of applications.
Caution: Do not rename any of the MATWorX 32 files, subdirectories, or directories once they have been installed on your computer.
WorX32 - main directory where all subdirectories are located (the name of this directory may be different if you changed it during the installation)
AddIns - where Add-In files are located
Configwiz - where PBX Configuration Wizard files are located
DESIWorX - where DESIWorX label program files are located
Db - subdirectory of DESIWorX where
DESIWorX database files are located
Language - where language database files are located
MATWorX - where MATWorX program files and subdirectories are located
Help - subdirectory of MATWorX where
Reader - subdirectory of MATWorX where Adobe Acrobat Reader files and MATWorX 32 supporting documentation are located
Fonts - subdirectory of Reader where
Adobe Acrobat Reader fonts are located
PFM - subdirectory of Fonts where additional Adobe Acrobat Reader fonts are located
Help - subdirectory of Reader where the Adobe Acrobat Reader Help file is located
| MATWorX 32 User’s Guide |
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