Hobart Welding Products 350LX Setting Pulse Controls, Percent % Peak, 50%, Bkg Amp, Peak Amp

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4-12. Setting Pulse Controls









(CE Nameplate Only)







Percent (%) Peak

Pulsed Output Waveforms

Time Control Setting






Bkg Amp


Peak Amp

More Time

At Peak


More Time At




1 On/Off Switch

Use switch to turn pulse function On and Off.

2 Background Amps

Use Background Amps control to set the low pulse of the weld am- perage, which cools the weld puddle and affects overall heat in- put. Background Amps is set as a percentage of peak amperage.

3 Pulse Frequency

A range from 0.25–10.0 pps (pulses per second). Control is used to determine appearance of weld bead.

4 Peak Time

A range of 5–95% of each pulse cycle can be spent at the peak amperage level.

Peak amperage (3–400 amps), is set with the Amperage Adjust- ment control (see Section A). Peak amperage is the highest welding amperage allowed to oc- cur in the pulse cycle. Weld pene- tration varies directly with peak amperage.

5 Pulsed Output Waveforms

Example shows affect changing the Peak Time control has on the pulsed output waveform.


Pulsing refers to the alternating raising and lowering of the weld output at a specific rate. The raised portions of the weld output are controlled in width, height, and frequency, forming pulses of weld output. These pulses and the lower amperage level be- tween them (called the back- ground amperage) alternately heat and cool the molten weld puddle. The combined effect gives the operator better control of penetration, bead width, crowning, undercutting, and heat input. Controls can be adjusted while welding.

Pulsing can also be used for filler material addition technique training.

OM-356 Page 27

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Contents Processes OM-356188694JDescription From Hobart to You Table of Contents Page Electric Shock can kill Symbol UsageMarks a special safety message Arc Welding HazardsBuildup of GAS can injure or kill ARC Rays can burn eyes and skinWelding can cause fire or explosion Flying Metal can injure eyesPrincipal Safety Standards About Pacemakers EMF InformationLES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereux Signification des symbolesConsignes DE Securite Lire Avant Utilisation UN Choc É Lectrique peut tuerDES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeux LE Soudage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosionLE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessures Risque D’INCENDIE OULA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesser ’EMPLOI Excessif peutInformation sur les champs é lectromagné tiques Principales normes de sé curitéConsignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaques Definitions Disconnect input plug or power before working on machineKeep your head out of the fumes Manufacturer’s Rating Label For CE Products Symbols And Definitions Location And Airflow InstallationSelecting a Location Movement Falling Unit Can Cause InjurySpecifications Dimensions And WeightsOverheating Duty Cycle And OverheatingVolt-Ampere Curves Minutes Welding Minutes RestingTerminals Weld Output Terminals And Selecting Cable SizesRemote 14 Receptacle ARC Welding can cause Electromagnetic InterferenceNecting to receptacle Turn Off power before conElectrical Service Guide Close and secure primary door Placing Jumper Links And Connecting Input PowerPulse Controls OperationControls For 200/230/460 Volts And Non CE UnitsFor CE Units Output Selector Switch Output Selector SwitchProcess Control Output Control Current ControlWhen HF Continuous is selected, start arc as follows Start ModeWhen Lift-Arc is selected, start arc as follows When HF Start is selected, start arc as followsMeters Amperage Adjustment ControlPreflow Time Control Balance/DIG ControlPostflow Time Control Bkg Amp Setting Pulse ControlsPercent % Peak 50%Optional Sequence Controls High Frequency ControlStart Time/Spot Time Control And Start Current Control Sequence Selection SwitchCrater Time Control And Final Current Control Start/Crater Sequence Controls Sequence Selection Controls Start Sequence Switch 4T PositionSpot Time Control Timer/Cycle CounterMonths Maintenance & TroubleshootingRoutine Maintenance Disconnect power before maintainingTurn Off power before adjusting spark gaps Adjusting Spark GapsTools Needed 012 in 0.305 mm Help 3 Display Indicates the transformer of the unit has Voltmeter/Ammeter Help DisplaysHelp 4 Display There are not user serviceable parts inside unit TroubleshootingFan not operating Check for water in torch, and repair torch if necessaryProtect against overheating Circuit Diagram Electrical DiagramWeld Zone Incorrect InstallationHigh Frequency Welding Processes Requiring High FrequencyMetal Building Requirements Correct InstallationNonmetal Building Ground workpiece if required by codes Metal BuildingMain Assembly Parts ListTRANSFORMER/STABILIZER Assembly 200/230/460 Optional 185 Switch, Push Button -1 ItemPage Support ServiceHobart Welding Products Contact your Distributor forCall