4-15. Sequence Selection Switch
(CE Nameplate Only)
1 Sequence Selection Switch
Switch controls Off, Start, Cra- ter, Start/Crater, 4t, and Spot functions. Place switch in de- sired position.
Off– Place switch in Off position when Sequence Selection func- tions are not desired.
4-16. Start Time/Spot Time Control And Start Current Control
(CE Nameplate Only) | 1 Sequence Selection Switch |
| Place switch in Start position. |
| 2 Start Time/Spot Time Control |
1 | Use control to select |
| of start time. |
| 3 Start Current Control |
| Use start control to select a starting |
| current |
| ent from the weld current. Note: |
| Start current can be used with or |
| without a remote control. |
| Application: |
| |
| Start current can be used while |
| |
| GTAW welding to assist in preheat- |
| ing cold material prior to depositing |
| filler material, or to ensure a soft |
2 | start. Start current can also be used |
for SMAW to ensure a more consis- |
tent arc strike.
3 | 3 |