Grizzly G4791 owner manual Spindle Break-In, Recommended Adjustments,  9H8DCC8IB68=CGDBEDLG

Page 21

Spindle Break-In


Successfully complete all of the spindle break-in steps for both the lathe and mill to avoid rapid deterioration of the spindle bearings and other related parts.

To perform the spindle break-in for this machine:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. BV`ZhjgZi]ZbVX]^cZ^hegdeZganajWg^XViZY gZ[ZgidLubrication dcPage 54[dgYZiV^aZY ^chigjXi^dch#

3. 8dc[^\jgZ i]Z b^aa [dg i]Z adlZhi he^cYaZ heZZYgZ[ZgidSetting Mill SpeeddcPage 23[dgYZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dch#

4. 8dccZXii]ZbVX]^cZidedlZg!i]Zcgjci]Z b^aa[dg'%b^cjiZh#

5. Hide i]Z b^aa VcY Vaadl i]Z he^cYaZ id Xdb" eaZiZan hide! i]Zc jhZ i]Z he^cYaZ Y^gZXi^dc hl^iX]idgZkZghZi]Zhe^cYaZY^gZXi^dc#

6. Gjci]Zb^aa[dgVcdi]Zg'%b^cjiZh#

7. 9^hXdccZXi i]Z bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg id Xdc" [^\jgZi]ZcZmi]^\]Zgb^aahe^cYaZheZZY!i]Zc gZeZViSteps 4–6[dgZVX]d[i]ZheZZYh#

8. BV`ZhjgZi]Z[ZZYgViZgVc\ZaZkZg^h^ci]Z cZjigVa XZciZg edh^i^dc! VcY i]Z ]Va["cji aZkZg^h^ci]ZY^hZc\V\ZYjeedh^i^dchZZ Figure 13 dcPage 18#

9. 9^hXdccZXi i]Z bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg! Xdc" [^\jgZi]ZaVi]Z[dgi]ZadlZhihe^cYaZheZZY gZ[ZgidSetting Lathe SpeeddcPage 42[dg YZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dch!i]ZcgZeZViSteps 4–7 [dgi]ZaVi]Z#

10. Ijgci]ZbVX]^cZOFF#I]Zhe^cYaZWgZV`"^c egdXZYjgZh VgZ XdbeaZiZ VcY ndjg bVX]^cZ ^hgZVYn[dgdeZgVi^dc#



;dg ndjg XdckZc^ZcXZ! i]Z VY_jhibZcih a^hiZY WZadl]VkZWZZceZg[dgbZYVii]Z[VXidgn#

=dlZkZg!WZXVjhZd[i]ZbVcnkVg^VWaZh^ckdakZY l^i] h]^ee^c\! lZ gZXdbbZcY i]Vi ndj Vi aZVhi kZg^[ni]Z[daadl^c\VY_jhibZcihidZchjgZi]ZWZhi edhh^WaZgZhjaih[gdbndjgcZlbVX]^cZ#

HiZe"Wn"hiZe ^chigjXi^dch [dg i]ZhZ VY_jhibZcih XVcWZ[djcY^ci]ZSERVICE hZXi^dchiVgi^c\dc Page 61#

Factory adjustments that should be verified:

™ <^W6Y_jhibZciPage 64

™ IVWaZ7VX`aVh]Page 65



Image 21
Contents Model G4791 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Foreword Functional Overview IntroductionContact Info &m.AVg\Z8dbWdAViZ$BaaIdentification Machine Data Sheet Lathe Other Specifications BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2Additional Safety Instructions For Mills Eliminating a Projectile Hazard Additional Safety Instructions for Lathes220V Operation Circuit RequirementsSetup Safety SetupItems Needed for Setup UnpackingInventory Inventory Figures Qty7dai7V\dg8ZciZgEVcZa!cdihdlc Placement Location Clean UpSite Considerations Floor LoadmHjeedgi Placement AssemblyBolting to Concrete Floors Mounting to Shop Floord XVWcZihiVcYhVcYiZaddg#Check Gearbox Oil Using Machine MountsTest Run To test run the machine11. EgZhh iZ bVc edlZg BGC8N hide Wjiidcc# CZjigVa 9hZc\V\ZYFactory adjustments that should be verified Recommended AdjustmentsSpindle Break-In  9H8DCC8IB68=CGDBEDLGMill Operations Operation SafetyBasic Mill Controls Mill HeadCarriage Main Power on Button cVWaZh edlZg id adlidiZbVXcZ#Coarse Downfeed Lever GVhZh dg adlZgh iZhecYaZfjX`an#  Carriage Handwheel BdkZh iZ XVggV\Z aZidgg\i#Head Movement Table MovementRotating the Mill Head Elevating the Mill HeadConfiguring Mill V-Belts Setting Mill SpeedCalculating Mill Spindle Speed Cutting Speeds for High Speed Steel HSS Cutting ToolsExample with HSS Cutting Tool Loading & Unloading Mill Tooling Quill DownfeedLoading Tooling With Drawbar To use the downfeed controlsUnloading Tooling With the Drift Key Unloading Tooling With the Drawbar 9H8DCC8IB68=CGDBEDLG  JcigZVYiZYgVlWVg¶ijgch# Va\cZY#Basic Lathe Controls Lathe OperationsLathe Head  Spindle Back Plate Bdjcih XjX`h VcYMain Power Emergency Button Ijgch Main Power on Button IjgchedlZgONid iZbVXcZ#Tailstock CdiYhXdccZXiiZbVXcZgdbedlZg#Mounting/Removing Chuck or Faceplate Mounting a Chuck or FaceplateAjbWZg# CiZgcVa?Vl Jaw ChuckMiZgcVa?Vl VlXjX`#Removing Jaws from 3-Jaw Chuck Mounting Workpiece in 3-Jaw ChuckTools Needed Qty  iZ ldg`eZXZ h XZciZgZY! jaan i\iZc iZVlh#HXgdaaZVg AZVYIgZVY Installing Jaws into 3-Jaw Chuck GZeZVi Steps 4-5 dg Vl  VcY  c hZfjZcXZ# ™ IZVlhbjhiWZadVYZYchZfjZcXZWZ\c cc\liVl&#Faceplate Va\cZYhZZ dgVcZmVbeaZ#To mount a workpiece to the faceplate Using a Dead Center in the Spindle Centers9ZVY8ZciZg AViZ9d\ Using a Dead Center in the Tailstock Offsetting TailstockTo set the tailstock offset 39#To align the tailstock Aligning TailstockVbdjcidVXXjgVXnhVXZkZY# Drilling with TailstockIjbW Follow RestHXgZl 7gVhhc\Zg 8jiiZgTo use the steady rest Steady Rest8aVbeHdZ HiZVYnGZhi=ZVYHandwheel Dial Increments Resolution Carriage Cross Slide TableCompound Slide 8VeHXgZl AdX` AZkZg Iddah Tool PostTo load and use the 4-way tool post  GZeZVi dgiZgZbVcc\iddah#Calculating Correct Spindle Speed Setting Lathe SpeedTo configure the lathe V-belts Configuring Lathe V-BeltsIZchdcc\hegc\# HecYaZEjaaZnCExample Setting Feed RateXVc\Z\ZVgh# Idc#ZZYgViZgVc\ZaZkZg# Feed Rate Change LeverConfigure Change Gears To configure the change gearsChange Gear a Example of Setting Feed Rate Change Gear B or CChange Gear D Threading Controls Half-Nut LeverThread Dial DgVcY VcY¿ VaaeVhhZh#Accessories G1076-52-PC. Clamping Kit, 1⁄2 T-NutG1070-MT3 Live Center Set Wjicdihdlc# H2987-½ Bent Lathe DogH7540-Metalworking Kit No H2677-6 Precision Rotary Table H6879-Lathe Operation & Maintenance BookMaintenance Cleaning ProtectingSchedule Lubrication Daily Lubrication ProceduresBaaXdajbcVcYaZVYhXgZl# BaaFjaa AZVYhXgZlYgkZhViWVaadaZgh#Checking/Adding Lathe Gearbox Oil Reservoir Lubricant Frequency QtyTo check and add oil to the reservoir Semi-Annual Lubrication To perform the semi-annual procedureAaEaj\ 9gVcEaj\  GZbdkZiZaaeaj\# GZbdkZiZbaaYgkZhnhiZbXdkZg# 7ZkZaZVg cY8VeYjgZhZZ # AdX`HXgZlTo change the oil in the reservoir Changing Lathe Gearbox OilLathe V-Belt Tensioning To adjust the motor V-belt tension=ZmCjih 6YjhibZci7dai EjaaZn 9ZaZXidcTroubleshooting ServiceMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc# Lgdc\hoZXdaaZi# # JhZXdggZXiXdaaZidghVc`YVbZiZg# Mill Operation42# Lathe OperationsTo adjust the saddle and table gibs Adjusting GibsTo adjust the compound gib Saddle and Table GibsTo adjust the tailstock gib Adjusting Table BacklashTo adjust the table backlash Tailstock GibReplacing Shear Pins Adjusting Half-NutTo adjust the half-nut HZVgEch 8dccZXic\8daaVgLathe Bearing Preload To adjust the lathe spindle bearing preloadhZZ # AdX` HeVccZgCji LVhZg IVc\9VacYXVidghZije#  chiVaa iZ Vl XjX` VcY i\iZc iZ Vlh cidiZXZciZg# HeVccZg Cji$&+Electrical Safety Instructions WiringWiring Overview Electrical Component Wiring Diagrams Main Power SwitchPlug 72  72Mill Head Breakdown Description Mill Head Parts ListDownfeed Breakdown Capacitor Cover Mill Motor BreakdownTailstock Breakdown 8dbWdAViZ$Baa Bed BreakdownBed Parts List Change Gear 20T Lathe Head Breakdown Lathe Head Parts List Change Gear Box Breakdown Lathe Motor Breakdown Follow Rest Breakdown Steady Rest BreakdownCompound Slide Breakdown Accessories Breakdown Label Placement Page TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%