Installing and Changing Tools
WARNING:Besurethepoweristurnedoffandthemachineunpluggedbeforeinstallingorchangingtoolbits. Removing Face Mill or Drill Chuck Arbor
1.Remove the arbor bolt cover (#21) on the top of the head body (#20).
2.Loosen the arbor bolt at the top of the spindle shaft approximately 2 turns with a suitable wrench.
3.Rap the top of the arbor bolt with a mallet.
4.After the taper has broken loose, hold the chuck arbor with one hand, and detach the arbor bolt with the other hand.
5.Replace the arbor bolt cover.
Installing a Face Mill or Cutter Arbor
1.Remove the arbor bolt cover (#21) on the top of the head body (#20).
2.Insert the cutter and cutter abor into the taper of the spindle.
3.Tighten the arbor bolt securely, but do not overtighten.
4.Replace the arbor bolt cover.
Additional Tools and Accessories You Will Find Helpful
Your Drill Mill machine is equipped with an
1.Taper Drills
4.Cutter Arbors
7.Adapters and Sleeves.
8.Table Power Feed
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