Engine | 371K | 375K |
| |
Cylinder volume, cu.in/cm3 | 70,7 | 74,7 |
Cylinder bore, inch/mm | Ø 50 | Ø 51,4 |
Stroke, inch/mm | 36 | 36 |
Idle speed, rpm | 2 500 | 2 500 |
Max. speed, unloaded, rpm | 9 800 ± 250 | 9 800 ± 250 |
Power, kW | 3,5 | 3,7 |
Ignition system |
Manufacturer | SEM | SEM |
Type of ignition system | CD | CD |
Spark plug | Champion | Champion |
Electrode gap, inch/mm | NGK BPMR 7 | NGK BPMR 7 |
0,5 | 0,5 | |
Fuel and lubrication system |
Manufacturer | Walbro | Walbro |
Carburettor type | HD 20 | HD 20 |
Fuel capacity, US pint/litre | 0,77 | 0,77 |
Weight |
Without fuel and cutting blade, Lbs/kg |
12" (∅ 300 mm) | 9,4 | – |
14" (∅ 300 mm) | – | 9,7 |
Noise emissions |
(see note 1) |
Sound power level, measured dB(A) | 114 | 116 |
Sound power level, guaranteed LWA dB(A) | 115 | 116 |
Sound levels |
(see note 2) |
Equivalent noise pressure level at the user’s ear, |
measured according to EN 1454, dB(A). | 102 | 102 |
Vibration levels |
Handle vibrations measured according to EN 1454, | 12" (∅ 300 mm) | 14" (∅ 350 mm) |
m/s2 | ||
Front handle, idling, m/s2 | 4,9 | 6,5 |
Front handle, full speed, m/s2 | 3,0 | 2,7 |
Rear handle, idling, m/s2 | 5,6 | 9,2 |
Rear handle, full speed, m/s2 | 4,0 | 4,6 |
Note 1: Noise emissions in the environment measured as sound power (LWA) in conformity with EC directive 2000/14/EC.
Note 2: Equivalent sound pressure level is calculated as the
working conditions with the following time distribution: 1/2 idling and 1/2 max speed.
Cutting equipment
Cutting blade | Gear ratio | Max. peripherical speed |
12" | 0,52 | 80 m/s |
14" | 0,52 | 100 m/s |
– English