Hobart Welding Products OM-230 455D Connecting Work Clamp, Electrical Service Guide For 120 VAC

Page 16

.A complete Parts List is available at www.HobartWelders.com

4-6. Connecting Work Clamp


. Do not connect work clamp to



the portion of the workpiece



that will fall when cut.



Work Clamp





Connect work clamp to a clean,


paint-free location on workpiece, as

close to cutting area as possible.



Ref 803 915-A

4-7. Electrical Service Guide For 120 VAC





50/60 Hz







Input Voltage



Input Amperes At Rated Output



Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes



Circuit Breaker 1, Time-Delay 2



Normal Operating 3



Min Input Conductor Size In AWG 4



Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)







Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG 4



Reference: 2005 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)

1Choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to a Time Delay Fuse.

2“Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” .

3“Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amp), and UL class “H” ( 65 amp and above).

4Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table 310.16. If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable requirements.

YCaution: Failure to follow these fuse and circuit breaker recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommendations are for a dedicated branch circuit that applies to the rated output and duty cycle of the power source.

4-8. Extension Cord Data


Input Power




Input Voltage



Conductor Size

Max. Cord Length






120 V



12 AWG

50 ft (15 m)






OM-230 455 Page 12

Image 16
Contents OM-230 455D ProcessesDescription File Plasma CuttersFrom Hobart to You Protect Your InvestmentTable of Contents Page Symbol Usage Marks a special safety messagePlasma Arc Cutting Hazards Cutting can cause fire or explosionExploding Parts can injure Flying Sparks can cause injuryARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Noise can damage hearingCalifornia Proposition 65 Warnings EMF Information Principal Safety StandardsAbout Pacemakers Signification des symboles LE Coupage présente un risque de feu ou d’explosionUNE Décharge Électrique peut entraîner la mort Identifie un message de sécurité particulierRisque de blessure en cas LE Bruit peut endommager l’ouïeLES Fumées ET LES GAZ peuvent être dangereux LE Plasma D’ARC peut entraîner des blessuresDES Pieces Chaudes peuvent pro- voquer des brûlures graves DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessuresLA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesser Risque D’INCENDIE OUPrincipales normes de sécurité Information sur les champs électromagnétiquesLE Coupage à L’ARC peut causer des interférence Consignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaquesI1max − DefinitionsI1eff − Installation Specifications For Power SourceSpecifications For Torch Duty Cycle And OverheatingTorch Dimensions And Weight Dimensions And WeightSelecting a Location Movement, Location And AirflowElectrical Service Guide For 120 VAC Connecting Work ClampExtension Cord Data Connecting Input Power Generator Or Inverter RequirementsCheck input voltage available at site Grounded Receptacle Plug From UnitCable Management Strap Electrode WrenchControls − OperationRecommended Cutting Speed For Material Thickness Plasma Cutting System Practices Maintain approximately a 90 angle toWhen trigger is pressed Sequence Of Cutting OperationPilot arc starts immediately Example Of Cutting OperationExample Of Cutting Using Stand-off Guide Sequence Of Cutting Using Stand-off GuideSplit section to bottom 16 in 1.6 mm Sequence Of Piercing Operation − Maintenance & Troubleshooting Routine MaintenanceTrouble Lights And Checking Shield Cup Shutdown System Checking Torch Shield Cup Shutdown SystemChecking/Replacing Retaining Cup, Tip, And Electrode Turn Off power source before checking torch partsElectrode Wrench Compressor Filter Cleaning And Replacement Disconnect input powerTorch Connections Torch And Work Cable ConnectionsWork Cable Connections Only by authorized Service Station Troubleshooting Power SourceCheck Control board PC1 Troubleshooting Torch − Electrical Diagram Circuit DiagramRecommended Spare Parts − Parts ListRecommended Spare Parts Material Thickness Gauge Page Support ServiceAssistance Contact your Distributor for Hobart Welding Products