Grizzly G0702 owner manual Operations, Operation Overview,  HiVgihiZbVXcZVcYYjhiXdaaZXidg#

Page 16


To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before beginning any operations.

Damage to your eyes and lungs could result from using this machine without proper pro- tective gear. Always wear safety glasses and a respirator when operating this machine.

Loose hair, clothing, or

jewelry could get caught

in machinery and cause

serious personal injury.

Keep these items away

from moving parts at all times to reduce this risk.


If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, WE STRONGLY REC- OMMEND that you read books, review industry trade magazines, or get formal training before beginning any projects. Regardless of the content in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training.


Operation Overview

I]^h dkZgk^Zl \^kZh ndj i]Z WVh^X egdXZhh i]Vi ]VeeZch Yjg^c\ Vc deZgVi^dc l^i] i]^h bVX]^cZ# ;Vb^a^Vg^oZ ndjghZa[ l^i] i]^h egdXZhh id WZiiZg jcYZghiVcYi]ZOperationshZXi^dc#

To complete a sanding operation, the operator does the following:

1. :mVb^cZh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id bV`Z hjgZ ^i ^h hj^iVWaZ[dghVcY^c\#

2. 6Y_jhih i]Z iVWaZ i^ai! ^[ cZXZhhVgn! id i]Z gZfj^gZY hVcY^c\ Vc\aZ! VcY adX`h i]Z iVWaZ ^ceaVXZ#

3. >chZgih i]Z b^iZg WVg ^c Z^i]Zg i]Z M"Vm^h dg N"Vm^hb^iZghadih#

4. 6Y_jhihi]Zb^iZgVc\aZ[dgi]ZgZfj^gZY]dg^" odciVahVcY^c\Vc\aZ!VcYadX`h^i^ceaVXZ#

5. JhZh i]Z Veegdeg^ViZ XaVbe^c\ YZk^XZ dg _^\ [dghbVaaldg`e^ZXZh#

6. LZVgh hV[Zin \aVhhZh VcY V gZhe^gVidg! VcY adXViZhejh]hi^X`h^[cZZYZY#

7. HiVgihi]ZbVX]^cZVcYYjhiXdaaZXidg#

8. =daYhi]Zldg`e^ZXZ[^gbanVcY[aVianV\V^chi Wdi] i]Z iVWaZ VcY b^iZg! i]Zc ejh]Zh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ^ciddgVadc\i]ZhVcY^c\Y^hX#

9. BdkZh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id Y^[[ZgZci adXVi^dch dc i]Z hVcY^c\ Y^hX id lZVg i]Z hVcYeVeZg ZkZcan VcY id egZkZci i]Z hVcYeVeZg [gdb dkZg]ZVi^c\#

10. Hidehi]ZbVX]^cZ#


Image 16
Contents Model G0702 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual AccuracyContact Info Machine DescriptionMachine Data Identification BdidgSafety Safety Instructions for MachineryKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders 110V Operation Circuit RequirementsIh bVXcZ YgVlh iZ daadlc\ Vbeh jcYZg bVmbjbadVY Setup UnpackingInventory Description QtyCleanup H9692-Orange Power Cleaner & DegreaserVcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh# Site Considerations AV\HXgZl AViLVhZg MountingAViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji Test Run To test run the machine 8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#  #Operations Operation Overview HiVgihiZbVXcZVcYYjhiXdaaZXidg# 10. HidehiZbVXcZ# BdYZa%,%B\#hcXZ-$%.To sand using the miter slot Attaching SandpaperMiter Slots To attach sandpaperMiter Sanding Angle SandingTo perform miter sanding operations To perform angle sanding operationsAccessories Sanding Discs from ISO 9002 Factories Model and TypegritG0572-Bench Top Dual Fan Dust Filter G3119- 21⁄2 x3 Duct Adapter G3119- 21⁄2x4 Duct AdapterMaintenance CleaningSchedule LubricationTroubleshooting ServiceHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc Workpiece Finish Table/Disc Parallelism Miter Gauge CalibrationTo make the table and sanding disc parallel ¿&+VeTo calibrate the table tilt Table Tilt CalibrationIaiHXVaZVcY EdciZg Wiring Wiring Safety InstructionsWiring Diagram AZXigXVahnhiZb#Main Breakdown and Parts List PartsLabel Parts List =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgEaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY