Grizzly G0702 Attaching Sandpaper, Miter Slots, To attach sandpaper, To sand using the miter slot

Page 17

Attaching Sandpaper

I]Z BdYZa <%,%' hVcYZg VXXZeih &' Y^VbZiZg VY]Zh^kZ"WVX`ZYhVcY^c\Y^hXh#I]ZhZVgZVkV^a" VWaZ^cVkVg^Zind[\g^ih#HZZi]ZXjggZci<g^ooan XViVad\[dgeg^XZhVcYdgYZg^c\^c[dgbVi^dc#

I]ZhVcY^c\Y^hXhi^X`hidi]Zhjg[VXZd[i]ZXVhi ^gdc Y^hX eaViZc! jh^c\ i]Z egZhhjgZ hZch^i^kZ VY]Zh^kZ WVX`^c\ EH6# I]Z hVcYeVeZg XVc WZ gZeaVXZYl^i]djigZbdk^c\Z^i]Zgi]ZiVWaZdgi]Z Yjhiedgi#

To attach sandpaper:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. GZbdkZ i]Z hV[Zin \jVgY! eZVa"d[[ i]Z daY hVcYeVeZg! VcY XaZVc i]Z Y^hX hjg[VXZ l^i] b^cZgVahe^g^ih!VcYl^eZYgn#

3. EZZa"WVX`i]ZegdiZXi^kZaVnZgdcone-halfd[ i]Z hVcYeVeZg Y^hX VcY [daY ^i V\V^chi i]Z gZbV^c^c\]Va[#

4. Ha^ei]Z]Va[l^i]i]ZegdiZXi^kZaVnZgWZilZZc i]ZY^hXVcYi]ZiVWaZZY\ZFigure 7#

Figure 7.HVcYeVeZgWZ^c\ha^eeZYWZilZZci]Z


5.Edh^i^dci]ZZmedhZYVY]Zh^kZdci]ZjeeZg ]Va[d[i]ZY^hXi]ViZmiZcYhVWdkZi]ZiVWaZ# DcXZ^i^hedh^i^dcZYZkZcanVXgdhhi]ZY^hX! egZhhi]ZVY]Zh^kZdcidi]Zhjg[VXZ#

6.CdlgdiViZi]ZY^hXhdi]ZadlZg]Va[^hVWdkZ i]Z iVWaZ VcY eZVa"d[[ i]Z di]Zg ]Va[ d[ i]Z egdiZXi^kZeVeZg!VcYegZhhi]ZhVcY^c\Y^hX V\V^chii]ZY^hXhdVY]Zh^dc^hXdbeaZiZ#


X & Y Miter Slots

I]ZBdYZa<%,%'jhZhYjVa"Vm^hb^iZghadiYZh^\c [dg ^cXgZVhZY kZghVi^a^in d[ ldg`e^ZXZ Xdcigda dg heZX^Va_^\dg[^mijgZbdjci^c\VW^a^in#

To sand using the miter slot:

1. HZii]ZVc\aZd[i]ZiVWaZgZaVi^kZidi]ZhVcY" ^c\Y^hX#I]ZVc\aZXVcWZhZil^i]i]ZVc\aZ \Vj\Zdci]ZY^hXhVcYZgdgl^i]VegdigVXidg [dg\gZViZgVXXjgVXn#

2. L]Zc V .%ß ]dg^odciVa Vc\aZ ^h gZfj^gZY! eaVXZ dcZ hjg[VXZ d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ [^gban V\V^chi i]Z [VXZ d[ i]Z b^iZg \Vj\Z hZi Vi

.%ßl^i]i]Zdi]Zghjg[VXZV\V^chii]Z[VXZd[ i]ZY^hXFigure 8#

Figure 8. B^iZghadiVcYldg`eVi]#

Note: For sanding curves or irregular shapes, remove the miter gauge from the disc table. Always keep the workpiece on the side of the wheel that is rotating down toward the table. This will keep the workpiece from flying out of your hands from the rotational forces.



Image 17
Contents Model G0702 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy IntroductionContact Info Machine DescriptionMachine Data Bdidg IdentificationSafety Instructions for Machinery SafetyKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders Ih bVXcZ YgVlh iZ daadlc\ Vbeh jcYZg bVmbjbadVY Circuit Requirements110V Operation Unpacking SetupInventory Description QtyH9692-Orange Power Cleaner & Degreaser CleanupVcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh#Site Considerations AViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji Mounting AV\HXgZl AViLVhZg To test run the machine Test Run 8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#  #Operation Overview Operations HiVgihiZbVXcZVcYYjhiXdaaZXidg# 10. HidehiZbVXcZ# BdYZa%,%B\#hcXZ-$%.Attaching Sandpaper To sand using the miter slotMiter Slots To attach sandpaperAngle Sanding Miter SandingTo perform miter sanding operations To perform angle sanding operationsSanding Discs from ISO 9002 Factories Model and Typegrit AccessoriesG0572-Bench Top Dual Fan Dust Filter G3119- 21⁄2 x3 Duct Adapter G3119- 21⁄2x4 Duct AdapterCleaning MaintenanceSchedule LubricationHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting Workpiece Finish Miter Gauge Calibration Table/Disc ParallelismTo make the table and sanding disc parallel ¿&+VeIaiHXVaZVcY EdciZg Table Tilt CalibrationTo calibrate the table tilt Wiring Safety Instructions WiringAZXigXVahnhiZb# Wiring DiagramParts Main Breakdown and Parts ListLabel Parts List TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY