Grizzly G0702 owner manual Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders

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Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders

1. AVOIDING WORKPIECE GRAB. CZkZg ViiZbei id hVcY l^i] V YVbV\ZY dg WVYan ldgchVcY^c\Y^hXdg^[hVcY^c\Y^hXVY]Z" h^dc ^h fjZhi^dcVWaZ# >[ hVcYeVeZg g^eh dg XdbZh d[[ d[ i]Z Y^hX Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc! hZkZgZ^c_jgnXdjaYdXXjg#

2.AVOIDING KICKBACK. CZkZgjhZZmXZh" h^kZ [dgXZ! dg ejh] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ jelVgY VcY^cidi]ZhVcY^c\Y^hXV\V^chii]ZY^gZX" i^dc d[ gdiVi^dc# Di]Zgl^hZ i]Z ediZci^Va d[ ldg`e^ZXZ`^X`WVX`^h^cXgZVhZY#

3.SAFE SERVICING. 9^hXdccZXii]ZbVX]^cZ [gdbedlZgVcYVaadli]ZY^hXidXdbZidV XdbeaZiZhideWZ[dgZhZgk^XZ!bV^ciZcVcXZ! dgVY_jhibZcih#

4.SAFE SANDING OPERATIONS. >[i]ZgZ^h VcnYdjWiVWdjihiVW^a^indg^ciZ\g^ind[i]Z bViZg^VaidWZhVcYZY!do not sand it.

5.AVOIDING ENTANGLEMENT. CZkZg ViiZbeiidhVcYVcnhdgid[XVWaZ!X]V^c!dg l^gZ# >[ ndj Yd ZciVc\aZbZci XVc dXXjg XVjh^c\hZg^djh^c_jgn#

6. PREVENTING FINGER INJURIES. @ZZe [^c\ZghVlVn[gdbhVcY^c\Y^hX!VcYjhZV ldg`e^ZXZ ]daY^c\ [^mijgZ l]Zc hVcY^c\ hbVaaeVgih#HZg^djh^c_jgnXdjaYgZhjai^[h`^c XdciVXihVWgVh^kZhdgbdk^c\eVgih#

7.AVOIDING ENTANGLEMENT. I^Z WVX` adc\]V^gVcYgZbdkZVcnaddhZ"[^ii^c\Xadi]" ^c\dg_ZlZagni]ViXdjaYWZXVj\]ije^ci]Z hVcYZg»hY^hX!WZai!dgdi]Zgbdk^c\bVX]^cZ eVgih#

8.DUST HAZARD. 7Z VlVgZ i]Vi XZgiV^c lddYh bVn XVjhZ Vc VaaZg\^X gZVXi^dc ^c eZdeaZ VcY Vc^bVah! ZheZX^Vaan l]Zc ZmedhZY id [^cZ Yjhi# BV`Z hjgZ ndj `cdl l]ViineZd[lddYYjhindjl^aaWZZmedhZY id^cXVhZi]ZgZ^hVedhh^W^a^ind[VcVaaZg\^X gZVXi^dc#

9.WEAR RESPIRATOR. I]^h bVX]^cZ bVn Wadl [^cZ Yjhi eVgi^XaZh ^cid i]Z V^g Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc XVjh^c\ V ]VoVgY id i]Z ajc\h# 6alVnh lZVg Vc VeegdkZY gZhe^gVidg Yjg" ^c\ bVX]^cZ deZgVi^dcVcY[dg V h]dgii^bZ V[iZg#

Like all machinery there is potential danger when operating this machine. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this machine with respect and caution to decrease the risk of operator injury. If normal safety pre- cautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur.

No list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious per- sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results.



Image 9
Contents Model G0702 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy IntroductionContact Info Machine DescriptionMachine Data Bdidg IdentificationSafety Instructions for Machinery SafetyKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders Circuit Requirements 110V OperationIh bVXcZ YgVlh iZ daadlc\ Vbeh jcYZg bVmbjbadVY Unpacking SetupInventory Description QtyH9692-Orange Power Cleaner & Degreaser CleanupVcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh#Site Considerations Mounting AV\HXgZl AViLVhZgAViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji To test run the machine Test Run 8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#  #Operation Overview Operations HiVgihiZbVXcZVcYYjhiXdaaZXidg# 10. HidehiZbVXcZ# BdYZa%,%B\#hcXZ-$%.Attaching Sandpaper To sand using the miter slotMiter Slots To attach sandpaperAngle Sanding Miter SandingTo perform miter sanding operations To perform angle sanding operationsSanding Discs from ISO 9002 Factories Model and Typegrit AccessoriesG0572-Bench Top Dual Fan Dust Filter G3119- 21⁄2 x3 Duct Adapter G3119- 21⁄2x4 Duct AdapterCleaning MaintenanceSchedule LubricationService TroubleshootingHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc Workpiece Finish Miter Gauge Calibration Table/Disc ParallelismTo make the table and sanding disc parallel ¿&+VeTable Tilt Calibration To calibrate the table tiltIaiHXVaZVcY EdciZg Wiring Safety Instructions WiringAZXigXVahnhiZb# Wiring DiagramParts Main Breakdown and Parts ListLabel Parts List TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY