Grizzly G0702 owner manual Table/Disc Parallelism, Miter Gauge Calibration, ¿&+Ve

Page 23



I]Z ZY\Z d[ i]Z iVWaZ bjhi WZ eVgVaaZa l^i] i]Z [VXZ d[ i]Z hVcY^c\ Y^hX! VcY i]ZgZ h]djaY WZ V \Ve WZilZZc i]Z ild# I]^h \Ve h]djaY WZ aVg\Z Zcdj\] hd i]Vi i]Z hVcYeVeZg YdZh cdi gjW V\V^chi i]Z iVWaZ! Wji hbVaa Zcdj\] hd i]Vi i]Z \Ve^hcdiVe^cX]]VoVgY#

To make the table and sanding disc parallel:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. Jh^c\ V &%bb lgZcX]! addhZc i]Z h^m ]Zm Wdaih i]Vi hZXjgZ i]Z iVWaZ id i]Z iVWaZ hje" edgiWgVX`Zih#

3.6Y_jhi i]Z iVWaZ hd i]Vi i]ZgZ ^h V &¿&+ \Ve Figure 17WZilZZci]Z&'Y^hXl^i]hVcY" eVeZg^chiVaaZYVcYi]ZiVWaZ#


Figure 17. IVWaZeVgVaaZal^i]hVcY^c\Y^hX#

4.L]Zc i]Z iVWaZ ^h eVgVaaZa l^i] i]Z hVcY^c\ Y^hX!i^\]iZci]Z]ZmWdaih#

5. He^ci]ZY^hXWn]VcYidX]ZX`^[i]ZhVcYeV" eZg^hidjX]^c\i]ZiVWaZ#

Note: DO NOT turn the disc sander on at this point.

6. GZ"VY_jhii]ZiVWaZeVgVaaZa^hb ^[i]ZhVcYeV" eZgidjX]Zhi]ZiVWaZViVcned^ci^c^ihgdiV" i^dc#

Miter Gauge


6i.%ßi]Zb^iZg\Vj\Zh]djaYWZeZgeZcY^XjaVgid i]Z [VXZ d[ i]Z l]ZZa l]Zc ^i ^h bdjciZY ^c i]Z iVWaZhadi#>[cdi[daadli]^hegdXZYjgZ#

To calibrate the miter gauge:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. JhZ V ign hfjVgZ dg bVX]^c^hi»h hfjVgZ l^i] dcZZY\ZV\V^chii]Z[VXZd[i]Zb^iZg\Vj\Z VcYi]Zdi]ZgV\V^chii]ZY^hX[VXZ!Vhh]dlc ^cFigure 18.

Figure 18. HfjVg^c\b^iZg\Vj\ZidY^hX#

3. AddhZci]ZadX``cdWdci]Zb^iZg\Vj\ZVcY VY_jhi i]Z [VXZ d[ i]Z b^iZg \Vj\Z hd ^i ^h [ajh]l^i]i]ZZY\Zd[i]ZhfjVgZ!i^\]iZci]Z \Vj\ZadX``cdW!VcYkZg^[ni]ZhZii^c\#

4. Jh^c\VE]^aa^eh]ZVYhXgZlYg^kZg!addhZci]Z YZ\gZZhXVaZed^ciZg!edh^i^dci]Zed^ciZgdc


5. GZX]ZX` i]Z b^iZg hXVaZ VXXjgVXn l^i] i]Z hfjVgZ#



Image 23
Contents Model G0702 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Machine Description IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact InfoMachine Data Bdidg IdentificationSafety Instructions for Machinery SafetyKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders Ih bVXcZ YgVlh iZ daadlc\ Vbeh jcYZg bVmbjbadVY Circuit Requirements110V Operation Description Qty SetupUnpacking Inventory Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh# CleanupH9692-Orange Power Cleaner & Degreaser VcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#Site Considerations AViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji MountingAV\HXgZl AViLVhZg  # Test RunTo test run the machine  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#10. HidehiZbVXcZ# BdYZa%,%B\#hcXZ-$%. OperationsOperation Overview  HiVgihiZbVXcZVcYYjhiXdaaZXidg#To attach sandpaper To sand using the miter slotAttaching Sandpaper Miter SlotsTo perform angle sanding operations Miter SandingAngle Sanding To perform miter sanding operationsG3119- 21⁄2 x3 Duct Adapter G3119- 21⁄2x4 Duct Adapter AccessoriesSanding Discs from ISO 9002 Factories Model and Typegrit G0572-Bench Top Dual Fan Dust Filter Lubrication Maintenance Cleaning ScheduleHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting Workpiece Finish ¿&+Ve Table/Disc ParallelismMiter Gauge Calibration To make the table and sanding disc parallelIaiHXVaZVcY EdciZg Table Tilt CalibrationTo calibrate the table tilt Wiring Safety Instructions WiringAZXigXVahnhiZb# Wiring DiagramParts Main Breakdown and Parts ListLabel Parts List IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg 8VWcZiBV`Zg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY