Table Adjustment
It is important that the cutterhead is parallel to the table to plane stock perfectly square.
To check the table alignment:
1.Disconnect the machine from the power source!
2.Place the gauge block on the table under one end of the cutterhead.
3.Turn the handwheel to raise the table until the block barely touches the cutterhead body. The block should not be touching the knives. See Figure 28.
4. Slide the block toward the opposite side of the cutterhead. Use a feeler gauge to mea- sure the width of the gap, if any, between the top of the block and the bottom of the cutter- head. If there is a gap, make a note, reading the distance from the feeler gauge.
5. If the block wedges tightly between the table and cutterhead when shifting from one side to the other, repeat steps 1 through 3 above, but start from the opposite end of the cutter- head.
Figure 28. Setting the outfeed table height.
—If the gap difference from one side to the other is equal to or less than 0.004", no further adjustment is necessary.
G0550/G0551 15" Planer
—If the gap difference from one side to the other is greater than 0.004", but less than 0.016", go to step 5.
If the gap difference from one side to the other is greater than 0.016", the table raising chain under the planer base will need to be adjusted. Please call our Customer Service number for chain adjustment instructions.
To adjust for gap differences:
6. Determine which side of the table must be raised to correct the gap.
7.Locate the two cap screws in the table cast- ing for each of the columns. See Figure 29. Loosen both sets of cap screws for each col- umn on the side you wish to adjust.