This citrus based degreaser is perfect for clean- | |
ing cosmoline off of new equipment. It also works | |
for cleaning auto parts, tools, concrete, and | |
porcelain surfaces. Natural, safe for the environ- | |
ment, and contains no CFC’s. | |
| These glasses meet ANSI |
| tions. Buy extras for visitors or employees. You |
| |
| can't be too careful with shop safety! |
Figure 12. G7895 Citrus Degreaser.
Wood dust is now considered a known carcino- gen and has been linked to nasal cancer and severe respiratory illnesses. If you work around dust everyday, a
T20456 | H0736 |
Figure 14. Our most popular safety glasses.
Protect yourself with a comfortable pair of cush- ioned earmuffs. Especially important if you oper- ate machines for hours at a time.