Grizzly G0723 owner manual Maintenance, Schedule, Cleaning

Page 22


Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious person- al injury.


;dg dei^bjb eZg[dgbVcXZ [gdb ndjg bVX]^cZ! [daadli]^hbV^ciZcVcXZhX]ZYjaZVcYgZ[ZgidVcn heZX^[^X^chigjXi^dch\^kZc^ci]^hhZXi^dc#

Before Each Use

™ >cheZXi i]Z hVcY^c\ Ygjbh VcY haZZkZh [dg lZVgdgYVbV\Z#

™ 8]ZX`[dgldgcdgYVbV\ZYl^gZh#

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After Each Use

™ Ijgci]ZhVcYZgOFF#

™ 8aZVc je Vcn hVlYjhi dg eVgi^XaZ gZh^YjZ [gdbi]ZbVX]^cZ#

™ EgdiZXiiVWaZ#

Weekly Maintenance

™ I]dgdj\]an XaZVc i]Z he^cYaZ VgZV VcY WZcZVi] i]Z iVWaZ ^chZgi Vh ^chigjXiZY dc Page 19#

Monthly Maintenance

™ 8aZVc$kVXjjb Yjhi Wj^aYje [gdb ^ch^YZ i]Z hVcYZgWdYnVcYd[[d[i]Zbdidg#



8aZVc^c\ i]Z BdYZa <%,'( ^h gZaVi^kZan ZVhn# ;daadl i]Z Sleeve Installation ^chigjXi^dch dc Page 19!iV`^c\heZX^VaXVgZidXaZVcZkZgnVgZV i]dgdj\]an#HVlYjhiVcYdi]ZgeVgi^XaZhXVcVahd ldg`i]Z^glVnjcYZgi]ZiVWaZ^chZgi!hdi]^hVgZV VahdcZZYhidWZXaZVcZY#

To clean the table:

1. GZbdkZ i]Z adX` `cdW! Ygjb lVh]Zg! hVcY" ^c\haZZkZ!hVcY^c\YgjbVcYiVWaZ^chZgi#

2. L^eZdgkVXjjbdjiVcnYjhidgeVgi^XaZhi]Vi

]VkZ VXXjbjaViZY WZcZVi] i]Z iVWaZ ^chZgi

VgZV!h]dlc^cFigure 16.

3. ;daadlSteps 3-6d[i]Z^chigjXi^dchdcPage 19idgZ^chiVaai]ZhaZZkZ#

Figure 16.IVWaZ^chZgiVgZV#

4. IdegdiZXii]ZiVWaZ[gdbgjhi!XdVii]ZiVWaZ hjg[VXZl^i]VfjVa^inbZiVaegdiZXiVci#


Image 22
Contents Model G0723 HEAVY-DUTY Oscillating Spindle Sander Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents NdjgBVXcZ IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info Gooan9dXjbZciVidcBVcV\Zg #D#7dm%+Identification BdYZa%,B\#HcXZ%.$&&Heec\9bZchdch DiZg Mental Alertness REQUIRED. jaabZciVa SafetyVaXdda!lZcigZY!dglZcYhigVXiZY# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZeXaYgZcVcY Additional Safety for Spindle Sanders Full-Load Current Rating Power SupplyAvailability Circuit RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 16 AWG Grounding & Plug RequirementsExtension Cords 50 ftUnpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Description QtyInventory Figure Qty InventoryCleanupBefore cleaning, gather the following Basic steps for removing rust preventativeSite Considerations AViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji MountingAssembly7dai AViLVhZg AV\HXgZl AViLVhZgDisconnecting Power Power ConnectionConnecting Power Dust Collection # Test RunTo test run the machine Sleeve Selection Disabling Switch Operations Part Diameters Sanding DrumSanding Sleeve InstallationTo install or replace a sanding sleeve To sand a workpieceXVciWZiddXVgZjalihdehVZin AccessoriesIZhZ\aVhhZhbZZi6CHO-,#&%%heZXXV T20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736Cleaning MaintenanceSchedule Troubleshooting ServiceHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc Shock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc WiringWiring Safety Instructions XdbedcZcih#K68 Wiring DiagramBdYZa%,B\#HcXZ.$&& Parts Main BreakdownMain Parts List DescriptionLabels Breakdown 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! Warranty & Returns Order Hours a DAY