-Pack bearings (70) with ARO 33153 grease and assemble to spindle.
-Lubricate gears liberally with ARO33153 grease and assemble spindle to ring gear.
Packbearings (94) with ARO33153greaseand assembleto spin-
-dle (93).
_ Assemble spindle and components to ring gear.
_ Assembleseal (87) to lock nut (86) and assemble to ring gear, securing bearings.
Assemble spindle nut (95) to spindle.
1Assemble spacer (69) to bearing (70). _ Assemble gearing to tool.
_ Assemble chuck (88) to spindle.
_ Removegearing from tool as previously outlined, Removespacers(69) and (68) and motorassemblyfrom housing.
1 Removecap (52) and shield (53).
_ Graspcylinder in one hand and tap splined end of rotor (58) with a soft faced hammer; motor will come apart.
Pack open bearings with ARO33153 grease.
1Assemble bearing (56) to end plate (55). _ Assemble end plate (55) to rotor.
_ Coat i.d. of cylinder (62) or (63) with spindle oil 29665 and as- semble cylinder to end plate (55) aligning air inlet slot of cylinder and end plate.
_ Coatrotor blades (59) with spindle oil 29665 and insert into rotor slots (straight side out).
_ Assemble bearing to front end plate and assemble end plate to rotor and cylinder.
Besure rotor does not bind Jif rotor binds, tap splined end of rotor
-lightly to loosen).
_ Assemble shield (53) and cap (52) to end plate (55).
_ Assemble motor and spacers (68) and (69) to motor housing. _ Assemble gearing to tool.
Removegearing and motor assembly as outlined.
1 Removecover (1). adapter (3), washer (4) and trip bracket (5). Place valve housing in a suitable holding device with the outer
-sleeve (41) in an upright position.
-Usinga strap wrench on outersleeve(41),unthread (L.H.threads) and CAUTIOUSLYremove outer sleeve straight up and off from valve housing to preventbending of air cylinder (35) and damag- ing the inside diameter.
-Handlethe air cylinder (35) with care so its fine cylindrical shape is not distorted in any manner.
-If the air cylinder remains inside the outer sleeve when sleeve is
removed,push the piston rod (48) forward then pull it backward. The cylinder will then extend from the sleeve and can now be removed.
_ Remove“0”ring (31), bearing race (32) and retaining ring (49).
-Push piston rod and motor housing out thru gear end of outer sleeve.Piston (33) will drop out when motor housing and piston rod ore removed from outer sleeve.
Insert a suitable rod thru gear end of outer sleeve and push muf-
-fler cop (38) out thru valve end of outer sleeve.
Piston rod (48) and motor housing (51) are secured with a hard
-drying thread adhesive.If it should becomenecessaryto separate these two parts, heat the threaded area lightly to soften the adhe- sive and unthread the rod from the housing (R.H.threads).
when reassembling part to the tool. Lubricate all “O”rings with ARO 36460 “0” ring lubricant.
_ Assemble retaining ring (36), “0”ring (37), “0”ring (39) and screen (40) to muffler cap (38).
_ Assemblemuffler cap (38), screenedend first,to-outersleeve(41) from end of sleeve with internal threads. Push muffler cap into sleeve until it bottoms against step in sleeve.
- Coat torque pin (42) with grease to retain pin in place and as- semble inside outer sleeve in hole provided.
_ Assemble “0” ring (50) to piston rod.
-Assemblemotor housing and piston rod to outer sleeve thru end of sleeve with external threads and push piston rod thru muffler cap using care not to damage “0”ring (37) contained in muffler cap. Align slot in motor housing with torque pin (42).
Assembleseals (34) to piston (33) with lips of seals facing away
-from each other.
-Assemble piston (33) to piston rod (48) and push piston on rod
until it seats against “O”ring (50) and step on rod.
_ Assembleretainingring (49) to groovein pistonrodsecuring piston on rod.
_ Assemble bearing race (32) and “0”ring (31) to piston rod and slide them on rod until they seat against retaining ring (49). Clamp valve housing (10) in a suitable holding device with the
-threaded end of housing upright.
_ Coat i.d. of air cylinder (35) with “0”ring lubricant 36460 ond
place air cylinder on valve housing (10) over “O”ring (28).
-Using core not to damage “O”rings (11)contained in housing, insert pistonrod (48) thru housing and carefully locateoutersleeve over air cylinder and thread sleeve to housing. Tighten securely using a strap wrench.
-Assemble motor, gearing, trip bracket and components and as- semble cover (1) to housing.
Thevalve body (14),feed control valves (23) and button bleed valves
(25)can be serviced without removing outer sleevefrom valve hous- ing. Togain accessto check valves (17)and componentsor “0”rings (11),follow disassembly procedure for removing the air piston.
_ Removeboth caps (12) and “0”rings (13)-models 8245-B( )-( )
- Push valve body (14) out thru housing. Handle valve body with reasonable care so the o.d. of valve is not damaged.
_ Button bleed valves (25) need not be removed except for replacement. l
Replace all“O”rings with new ones.
1Assemble“0”rings (22) to needlevalves (23) and assemblenee- dle valves to housing.
_ Assemble plate (97) to housing, securing with screws (98).
- Lubricate“O”ring (15)with 36460 lubricant and assembleto valve body - models 8245-B( )-() only.
_ Assemblevalve bodyto housing and assemblecaps (12)with “0” rings (13) to housing.
If check valve(s) (17) have been removed,assemble “0”ring(s)
-(16) to valve(s) and assemble valve(s) to housing.
-Assemble spring(s) (18) to housing.
Assemble “O”ring (20) to screw plug (21) and assemble to
_ Assemblescrew plug (19)to housing - models8245-B()-( ) only. _ Assembleouter sleeve and components to housing as described
in air piston assembly section.