Craftsman 350, 315.11534 manual Drilling,

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'_ WARNING: Alwayswsar safety goggles or safety glasseswith aide shields when operating tools. Fail- ure to do so could resultin objects being throwninto your eyes, resultingin possibleseriousinjury.


See Figure 11.

A level is located on top of the motor housing to help keep the drill bit level during use.

Check the direction of rotation selector for the correct sathng (forward or raverae).

Secure the material to be drilled in a vise or with clamps to keep _t'{Tomturning as the ddlt bit rc>_atas.

Hold the drillfirmlyand place the bit at the point to be

Depress the switch trigger to start the drill.

Move the drillbit intothe work,piece, applying only enough _ress_e to keep the bit cuthng.Do not toms the driti or apphj side pressure 'coelongate a hole. Let the tool do the work.

_lk WARNING: Be prepaxsd for binding a_ bit break- through. When these situationsoccur, drillhas a tendency to grab and kick oppositeto the direction of rotationand could cause loss ot control when breaking throughmaterial. )1'not prepared,this loss of controlcan result inpossible seriousin(ury:.

When drilling hard, smooth surfaces, use a center punch to mark the desired hole location. Thiswill pre-

vent the dn'ilbit from slippingoff-center as the hole is started.

When drillingmetals, use a light oil on the drill bit to keep it from overheating.The oil will prolong the life ot the bitand increase _e driltingaction.

If the bit )aresin the workpieca or it the ddll stalls,

stop the tool irnmed_tel'/. Remove the bit from the workpiece and determinethe reasonfor jamming.

This drillhas an elecb'Jobrake. When the switch trigger isreleased, the chuck stops turning,When the brake is functioning properly,sparks will be visiblethroughthe vent slots on the housing.This is normal and is the action of the brake.


Image 15
Contents Operators Manual ONE Year Full Warranty on Craftsman Tool Work Area Electrical SafetyModel Battery Pack Charger Personal SafetyService CadJrom ead-basedpalnhs Always or full face shield when operating this product Symbol Name DESIGNATION/EXPLANATIONService Symbol Signal MeaningModel ProductspecificationsSee Figure Charging the BAI-IERY Pack ApplicationsLatches Depressuitchesto Redled Orangeled Chargingstand To Install Battery PackSee FTgure3 SeeSee F/gum See RgureSee Ftgure See Fjure g DrillingEneral Maintenance Chuck RemovalSee F-ums 12 To Retighten a Loose Chuck Battery Pack Removal Preparation for RecyclingSee Back page for Parts Ordering Instructions Parts List Craftsman 14A Volt DRILL-DRIVER Model Number 315.1t5350 Parts ListYour Home