@V\TH`ÄUK[OH[`V\Y/VTL(J[P]P[PLZJHUJVTLIL[^LLU`V\HUK`V\Y neighborly dirt digging. A clever housewife can hire some help and buy herself more time to uncover her neighbors’ secrets. Your cell phone is great MVYJVU[HJ[PUNHUKOPYPUNZ[HMM@V\»SSHSZVÄUKH:LY]PJLZVMÄJLKV^UH[[OL Mall and a website for AAA Temps through your computer.
You can hire a gardener on an
As with the gardener, you can bring the maid in
Food Delivery
If you’re at all competent in the kitchen, your family will prefer a
Your House
Your new house really is a dream house. Two stories. Spacious kitchen featuring all new appliances. Potential for a beautiful garden out front. And because it’s yours, you decide on the decor. To change a piece of furniture, ZLSLJ[P[[VVWLU[OLSPZ[VMHJ[PVUZ[OLUJSPJR¸<WNYHKL¹[VJOVVZLHUKWH`MVY HYLWSHJLTLU[0M`V\^V\SKSPRL[VJOHUNL[OL[`WLVM^HSSWHWLYVYÅVVYPUN ZLSLJ[[OL¸/VTL¹I\[[VUVU[OLSV^LYYPNO[VM[OLZJYLLUHUK[OLUJSPJR[OL ¸*\Z[VTPaL/VTL¹I\[[VU
While you’ll spend a lot of time interacting with your things
– the TV, the stove, the shower – in order to satisfy various Needs, one piece of furniture in your house is of particular importance: your dresser.
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