Reference Bar
The reference bar is the interface on the left side of the screen.
I`JSPJRPUNVU[OLÄYZ[PJVUVU[OL reference bar. To help you keep track of your story on Wisteria Lane and reference your goals, this is a list of things to do to progress
the story. Some goals are simple, others complex; some will demonstrate your friendship and loyalty while others will prove your deviousness. You should also note that blue goals are mandatory and green ones are optional. All will be listed in the Goals window of
the Reference Bar, once you have them.
*SPJRVU[OLZLJVUKPJVUHUK`V\»SSÄUK[PWZ and advice to help you better understand how to play the game or overcome challenges.
Click on the
third icon and whatever items you’ve bought, VYMV\UKVY¸IVYYV^LK¹MYVT`V\YULPNOIVYZ will be stored here, never far out of reach.
Some items are usable. To use an item, click [OL¸<ZL¹I\[[VUVU[OLP[LT»ZPJVU
Secrets Journal
You are going to learn a lot about your neighbors in the next few days. A lot. Too much, in fact, to remember without writing it down. To save you the trouble, click on [OLMV\Y[OPJVUHUK`V\»SSÄUKHSS[OLZLJYL[Z you’ve learned written down for you here.
You’ve become a shutterbug. Click the 7OV[V[HI[OLÄM[OPJVUVM[OLYLMLYLUJL Bar, and the photo menu will appear. *SPJR¸;HRL7OV[V¹[V[HRLHWPJ[\YL
Use the photo focus screen to take the photo of your choice. Exit will bring you back to the main screen.
View the photos you have already snapped by clicking on VIEW PHOTOS on your Photo tab.
Game Menu
Click on the last icon of the reference bar to pause the game and open the
.HTL¹VY¸9LZ\TL¹^OLYL`V\SLM[VMM Tapping ESC on your keyboard also opens this menu.
Status Bar
@V\^PSSÄUK[OPZPU[LYMHJLVU[OL bottom right side of the screen.
Cell Phone
Many people you meet will give you their cell phone number, which will be saved to your cell’s contact list automatically. To call someone, click on their name from the list and click on [OLNYLLU¸*HSS¹I\[[VUVU[OLRL`WHK You can also use your cell to contact shops you frequent and service providers to order goods and services.