Interacting with People
Socializing with your neighbors is a good way to learn secrets about them and about other people. It’s also a good way [VPUÅ\LUJL[OLPYVWPUPVUZVM`V\
There’s more than one way to deliver a message.
After you’ve selected a character (by clicking on him or her), click on one of the buttons to begin interacting. You’ll be presented with a U\TILYVM¸LTV[PJVUZ¹ each representing how you will say what you have to say. Depending on the situation, you may
Once you’ve decided on a tone and message, click the emoticon and see how the other person responds. Just remember: whomever you are talking to will react to your tone as well as to what you have to say. Be careful what you say. And how you say it.
Chat is chat: friendly banter that improves relationships but doesn’t involve serious discussion or the exchange of important information. Chatting increases your friendship levels with neighbors. They’ll like you the better for it – and will therefore be more willing to trade important information later, if and when they have it.
Kiss, Hug, Slap
These interactions work much like chat to affect relationships. Depending on the recipient, a Kiss or a Hug may not have the expected or desired effect. Note: Whatever the particular form of expression, as you interact with a neighbor, your relationship with that person will get better or worse. Watch for
colored icons rising up from the character; they indicate a change in your relationship.
A handshake represents
OV\ZL^PMLYLWYLZLU[ZJOHUNPUN¸9LZWLJ[¹.YLLUTLHUZ`V\YYLSH[PVUZOPWPZ getting better, while Red means it’s being negatively affected.
The clock is very useful. Time controls the actions of the people of Wisteria Lane, too. They go to work or school,
they run errands, and they attend meetings and social events. All of this coming and going affects who you can interact with, and when, and who will be away for the day when you decide to do some sneaking.
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