Disney Interactive Studios Desperate Housewives: The Game Scavos, Solises, Edie Britt, Paul Young

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The Scavos

In the last seven years Lynette Scavo has vacillated between being an over-achieving career-woman to an overwhelmed stay-at-home mother

(bearing twin boys Porter and Preston, son Parker, and daughter Penny in the span of six years). Lynette struggles to balance work and home life, dealing with many of the same challenges that all mothers face. Her

husband, Tom, is occasionally brash, sometimes impulsive, but ultimately he’s loyal to wife and children. As for the children… the less said the better. If they aren’t embarrassing their parents with creative and impressive displays of misbehavior, then they’re quietly pilfering anything not nailed down. Eighteen-month-old Penny is too young to join her brothers in the mayhem. Give her time.

The Solises

Former runway model Gabrielle married successful Carlos partly to maintain her glamorous lifestyle but wound up in suburbia with too much time on her hands. Her extra-marital activities coupled with his legal troubles resulting from several questionable business deals proved too much for Carlos. His temper landed him in serious legal

jeopardy, which in turn put a crimp in Gabrielle’s lifestyle. But don’t count her out. She can be shrewd and cunning, especially when going after something she wants.

Edie Britt

Edie is Wisteria Lane’s leading real estate agent – and its leading femme fatale. She likes men, and men like her. What’s the problem? Naturally, the other housewives aren’t as appreciative of Edie

as their husbands are. Her relationship with Susan Mayer is somewhat strained, particularly since they IV[O[VVRHUPU[LYLZ[PU4PRL+LSÄUV;OPUNZKPKU»[ improve after Susan accidentally burned Edie’s house down.


Mysterious, friendly, and handy with a wrench, Mike +LSÄUVPZHU`[OPUNI\[HUVWLUIVVR/LPZHSZV>PZ[LYPH Lane’s resident hunk.

Paul Young

3PMLVU>PZ[LYPH3HULOHZILLUKPMÄJ\S[MVY^PKV^LY7H\S@V\UN/PZ^PML Mary Alice’s suicide was a shock, and he’s aware that many of his neighbors

suspect he must be partially to blame for this event and others. His struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy for OPZZVUAHJOPZTHKLTVYLKPMÄJ\S[I`[OLKLTHUKZVM OPZJHYLLYHUKI`[OLUHNNPUNWYLZLUJLVM4PRL+LSÄUV



Image 16 Disney Interactive Studios Desperate Housewives: The Game manual Scavos, Solises, Edie Britt, Paul Young
Contents Page Table of Contents Welcome to Wisteria Lane Wisteria Lane. Idyllic. Friendly. SafeInstallation System RequirementsMinimum Getting StartedQuick Start ReadMe FileHousewives Episode #1 of Desperate Housewives Game Menu ControlsMain Menu Life on Wisteria Lane Interacting with People ConversationSocializing Kiss, Hug, SlapReference Bar GoalsHints InventoryNeighborhood Map NeedsHome RelationshipsBudget Wall HeightInvestigating Mini-Games with PokerPlaying Poker CheatingCleaning Mini-Games and Home ActivitiesCooking GardeningServices NeighborhoodFood Delivery Your HouseDresser Shopping MallYour Neighbors & Others Mayers Van de KampsScavos SolisesEdie Britt Paul YoungUpdates and Additional Information Downloadables for Your GameDaniel and Frank Fox Mrs. Davenport