Solving Problems
Contacting Compaq
If the troubleshooting suggestions earlier in this chapter have not helped you solve the problem, you may need to contact Compaq.
Getting Help from the Internet
Compaq Help and Support provides links to specific areas of the Compaq Web site where you can:
■Obtain all documentation included with your tablet PC as well as other information about your tablet PC such as specifications, white papers, and customer advisories.
■Initiate an online service event with a Compaq support specialist.
■Download the latest drivers, utilities, and other software updates for your tablet PC.
■Subscribe to the Compaq Support Software CD.
To access these links and descriptions of the options they provide, select Start > Compaq Information Center. The Compaq Help and Support menu is displayed in the left panel. Not all links are available worldwide, and most sites are available in limited languages.
Getting Help Without Using the Internet
If you need help and cannot access the Internet:
■To obtain troubleshooting information, refer on the Documentation Library CD to the Troubleshooting guide.
■To obtain a list of worldwide Technical Support telephone numbers, use either of the following methods:
❏Select Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance icon > System icon. Then, near the lower edge of the System Properties window, select the Support Information button.
❏Refer to the printed Worldwide Telephone Numbers booklet included in English only with the tablet PC.
Getting Started |