HP Clustered Gateway Device Management Software manual Matrixrc file, Mx server status

Page 60

Chapter 2: mx Commands


The second field, user, is the name of a user on that server, either admin for the administrator or another name for a read-only user.

The third field is the Matrix Server password for that user.

The fourth field, default, specifies that this server will be connected to by default if a server name is not specified on the command line. Specifying a default server is optional.

Blank lines and lines beginning with a # character are ignored.

If you need to control which server is used for the mx connection, list the servers individually in the matrixrc file. If any server can be used for the connection, you can group the servers.

List servers individually

Add a line to the file for each server for which you want mx access and specify the appropriate username and password. This example specifies that srv3 is the default.

srv1 admin secret1 srv2 admin secret1

srv3 admin secret2 default

When you issue a mx command without specifying a server name, as in the following example, it connects to the machine specified as the default in the

.matrixrc file.

mx server status

To connect to a different server, include the --matrixoption and specify the server name on the command line. For example, the following command connects to server acme1 as user admin using the password secret1.

mx --matrix srv1 server status

Use wildcards

You can use wildcards in the .matrixrc file to match machine names:

srv* admin secret1

srv3 admin secret1 default

Copyright © 1999-2006 PolyServe, Inc. All rights reserved.

Image 60
Contents PolyServe Matrix Server Command Reference Copyright 2004-2006 PolyServe, Inc Contents Contents Index Destroypsfs destroy a Psfs filesystem Opt/polyserve/sbin/destroypsfsDiskupdate reattempt to access a disk Dlmdebug debug DLM problemsEdquota edit user and group quotas Emulex/dfc, emulex/lpedit Emulex utilitiesFsprobe report filesystem information Gcstat print grpcommd statisticsGetfenceidentity get fencing information Hbaapidump show LUN informationLcl-dump show information about LCL locks Logcollect obtain log filesMkpsfs create a Psfs filesystem Disable-fzbm Enable-quotasUserdefault=size groupdefault=size Mpimport Restore membership partition data Mpdump Save membership partition dataFoutputfile Opt/polyserve/lib/mpdump mpdump -v-F Mpdump -v-f outputfileMpimport uid uid Mpimport --localdevname devnameMpimport -ppsdname uid Mpimport -p psdname --local devnameMx Matrix Server command-line interface Mxcheck verify Matrix Server requirementsMpimport -s-M-finputfile psdnamepsvname Mpimport --replace olduid newuidTtext-file and/or -hhtml-file SequenceMxcollect collect configuration information Mxconfig configure the matrixHelp Display a usage messageMxfence verify fencing module configuration Config fileMxconsole start the Management Console Matrix matrixMxfencecfg configure the fence agent VvendorBblade number For a blade server, specify the blade numberIIP address of remote controller PpasswordMxinit manage Matrix Server processes UusernameFile, --alt-config-file file StartStop HardVersion MonitorNo-monitor Hba-statusMxlogger add a log message EentityLlevel Log-textSetup Option Mxmpconf manage membership partitionsRepair Menu Opt/polyserve/bin/mxmpconf # /etc/init.d/pmxs stopMembership Partition Status Repair Menu OptionsRepair Menu includes the following options ResilverAdd RemoveReplace DisplayMxmpio monitor or manage Mpio devices Clear the Host RegistryThis option removes all entries from the server registry Enable/disable Enableall/disableallTimeout value Active targetEnable or Disable Failover for a PSD Device # mxmpio enabledisable PSD-deviceAn Example of Changing the I/O Path # /opt/polyserve/sbin/mxmpio active 0 psd2p1Set the Timeout Value Show Number of Transient ErrorsDisplay Status Information Show Load StatisticsSyntax is Display General I/O StatisticsDump I/O Statistics in Raw Format Rawstat interval count Mxnlmconfig enable or disable NLM Opt/polyserve/bin/mxnlmconfig -q-e-dMxpasswd add users or change passwords Mxperftool view performance countersMxsancheck check server’s SAN access Mxsanconf configure FC switchesMxsanlk show SAN ownership locks # mxsanlk Matrix Server Commands Mxsetfence configure fencing FcsanFabric fencing WebmgmtMxsetsecret set the network secret password Pmxs start or stop Matrix Server or view statusOpt/polyserve/bin/mxsetsecret -f --filename filename secret PSANinfo show FC logins, Naming Database UswitchOpt/polyserve/sbin/PSANcfg -hu-lLPort WWN switch Opt/polyserve/sbin/PSANinfo -n-s-uswitchnamePsdctl manage device bindings Psfsck check and repair a Psfs filesystemCheck filesystem consistency. This is the default action CheckRebuild-tree Enable-fzbm Rebuild-sbRebuild-quotas Interactive,-iDisable the Fzbm feature on the specified filesystem Disable-quotasPsfsdebug get Psfs filesystem image Set-udq sizeTGMKNext command restores the data to the filesystem Psfsdq save quota dataPsfsinfo report filesystem information Feature Feature Enable verbose messagesDisplay the version of the on-disk filesystem format Verbose,-vPsfslabel command adds a label to the specified device Psfslabel label a Psfs filesystemPsfsquota manage disk quotas Opt/polyserve/tools/psfslabel device labelPsfsresume resume a suspended Psfs filesystem Psfsrq restore quota data Psfssema manage matrix-wide file locksOpt/polyserve/sbin/psfsrq -f path filesystem Psfssuspend suspend a Psfs filesystem Opt/polyserve/tools/psfssuspend directorymountpointPsvctl manage dynamic volumes Psfsunpack unpack a Psfs filesystem imageQuota report quota information for a user Repquota report quota information for a filesystemResizepsfs resize a Psfs filesystem +-sizeKMGT Resizepsfs -s +1G /dev/psd/psd6p4Sandiskinfo show SAN disk information Disk Information# sandiskinfo Sandiskinfo -i-u-v-f-alr-U-q# sandiskinfo -a # sandiskinfo -al# sandiskinfo -f Options for Dynamic Volumes Following sandiskinfo options apply only to dynamic volumes--dynvolumesoption lists all dynamic volumes # sandiskinfo --dynvolumesSetquota set quotas Snapctl manage snapshot operationsSpctl dump the SanPulse trace buffer Spdebug obtain SanPulse debug information Spstat show matrix state informationWarnquota warn users of quota limits Wmtest test server-based fencingMatrix Server Commands Using the mx utility Matrixrc fileMatrixrc file Mx server statusMx --matrix srv1 server status Mx --matrix srv8 server status Mx syntax File filePrompt prompt Mx --prompt ’%’ --fileTo specify a command affecting a class, use this syntax NumericClass syntax Mx server status --upMx device device monitor commands Mx application manage applicationsApplication associated with this device monitor Amount of time to wait for the Recovery script to complete RecoveryScript scriptRecoveryTimeout seconds Parameters parametersAmount of time to wait for the Start script to complete Amount of time to wait for the Stop script to completeMx device enable devicename server Mx device disable devicename serverEnabled Disabled Primary Backup Mx device globalsettings --eventdelay secondsMx disk disk commands Mx dynvolume dynamic volume commands Mx exportgroup Export Group commands Add an Export GroupArguments are the same as the exportgroup add command Server to be monitored. The default is all serversDo not validate the export records ServersALLSERVERS servernameorIPMx fs filesystem commands Datasetsnumber of data sets UnlimitedNoHeaders CsvEnable quotas on the filesystem Optional arguments areBlock size is always 4 KB Mount options are Create the directory mount pointMx matrix matrix commands Optimize file access for database data filesCurrent alert messages appear at the end of the output To restore the configuration, use this command Mx matrix dump backupfileMx --continue --file backupfile Do not display column headers in the outputMx netif network interface commands Network interface must be downMx notifier notifier commands Notifier name can include up to 32 charactersMx quota filesystem quota commands Do not display command outputMx notifier dump notifier ForceDisplay the output in comma-separated value format User ID or range of IDs Value specified for --nameis a regular expressionRange of disk space usage Range of percentages of disk space used PercentUsedRange #%-#%MemberOf group name a group name for filtering users Search arguments are Mx quota showuser search-argumentsALLFILESYSTEMSps deviceMx server server commands Value specified for --nameis a group nameMx service service monitor commands Mx server enable serverMx server dump Mx server markdown serverThis argument applies only to Custom monitors Amount of time to wait for the script to completeType type Mx service enable vhostport server Mx service disable vhostport serverMx service delete vhostport Mx service clear vhostport serverMx snapshot snapshot commands Mx vhost virtual host commandsMx snapshot create --terse options volume Mx snapshot destroy volumePolicy autofailbacknofailback Activity singleactiveMx vnfs Virtual NFS Service commands Sleep command Arguments are the same as mx vnfs addIndex Mx vhostDLM, debug 2 dynamic volume Global Event Delay, device monitor Server add Check SAN access 29 deleteEnable Status informationMove
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