HP Serviceguard Toolkit for NFS manual Index

Page 91


adoptive nodes, 12 configuring, 46

example of package control option, 64 for multiple packages, 12, 15, 36, 39 illustration of cascading failover, 16

automounter timeout, 22


cascading failover, 12 example configuration, 75 illustration of, 16

client behavior, 8, 22

cluster configuration file (cluster.conf) example, 57, 66, 77, 84

cmmodpkg -d (package control option), 36, 39, 68, 72

CNFS variable, in nfs_xmnt script, 49, 87, 90 configuration

control script (hansf.sh), 40 control script (nfs.cntl), 35, 37 cross-mounted servers, 48 disks, 30

examples, 54

illustrations of supported, 13 prerequisites, 29

volume groups and logical volumes, 30 configuration files, 8

default values, 47 location of, 25

configurations supported, 12 control script (hansf.sh), 40 control script (nfs.cntl), 19, 35, 37

example, 59, 61, 63, 68, 72, 79, 81, 86, 89 specified in nfs.conf, 46

cross-mounted NFS servers configuration example, 82

customer_defined_run_cmds, in nfs.cntl, 49, 68, 72, 86, 89

CVM disk groups, 35


-d option, cmmodpkg, 36, 39, 68, 72 diskless NFS, 9

disks, configuring, 30 DNS, 31, 36, 38, 49, 87, 90 documentation

Software Distributor (SD-UX),25



/etc/cmcluster/nfs directory, 26 /etc/exports file, 29, 37, 40 /etc/fstab file, 86, 89 /etc/group file, 31

/etc/hosts file, 31, 36, 38, 49, 87, 90 /etc/passwd file, 31 /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf file, 21, 29 executables, where to locate, 31 exported file systems, 19, 29

definition of, 8 naming, 30

specifying in nfs.cntl, 35, 37


file locking, during package failover, 9 file systems

journalled (xvfs), 31 mounting, 19

specifying in nfs.cntl, 35, 37 unmounting, 20

FS variable, in nfs.cntl file, 35, 37


group IDs, 31


HALT_SCRIPT, in nfs.conf, 46

HALT_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT, in nfs.conf, 46 hanfs.sh

description, 25

editing NFS Control Script, 40 hansf.sh (control script), 40 Highly Available NFS

control script, 19 definition of, 8 hansf.sh, 25 installation, 25 limitations, 9

location of installed files, 8 monitor script, 21 prerequisites for configuration, 29 sample configurations, 54 supported configurations, 12

hung client, 8, 32


inetd, starting rpc.mountd, 29 installation, 25


Image 91
Contents Edition Serviceguard NFS Toolkit A.11.11.04 Administrator’s GuideLegal Notices Contents Index Figures Figures Overview of Serviceguard NFS Overview of Serviceguard NFS Limitations of Serviceguard NFS Overview of the NFS File Lock Migration Feature Overview of the NFS File Lock Migration Feature Supported Configurations Pkg1 disks Simple Failover to an Idle NFS ServerPkg2 Disks Failover from One Active NFS Server to AnotherPackages Host Configured as Adoptive Node for MultipleCascading Failover with Three Adoptive Nodes NFS NFS Server-to-Server Cross MountingSupported Configurations How the Control and Monitor Scripts Work Starting the NFS ServicesStarting File Lock Migration Halting the NFS Services Monitoring the NFS Services On the Client Side Installing and Configuring Installing and Configuring Serviceguard NFS Readme Installing Serviceguard NFSCmmakepkg -p /opt/cmcluster/nfs/nfs.conf Serviceguard NFS Toolkit Monitoring NFS/TCP Services withMonitoring NFS/TCP Services with Serviceguard NFS Toolkit Before Creating a Serviceguard NFS Package NUMNFSD=10 Before Creating a Serviceguard NFS Package Mount -o nointr relocatableip/usr/src /usr/src Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Copying the Template Files Editing the Control Script nfs.cntl IP0= SUBNET0= Lower Etc/hosts file Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Editing the NFS Control Script hanfs.sh Netswitchingenabled Editing the File Lock Migration Script nfs.flm Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Editing the NFS Monitor Script nfs.mon Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Editing the Package Configuration File nfs.conf Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Configuring Server-to-Server Cross-Mounts Optional SNFS0=nfs1/hanfs/nfsu011CNFS0=/nfs/nfsu011 Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Run the cluster using the following command cmruncl -v-f Configuring a Serviceguard NFS Package Chapter Sample Configurations Sample Configurations Basil Sage Example One Three-Server Mutual TakeoverThree-Server Mutual Takeover after One Server Fails Cluster Configuration File for Three-Server Mutual Takeover Package Configuration File for pkg01 Nfs.cntl Control Script NFS Control Scripts for pkg01Package Configuration File for pkg02 NFS Control Scripts for pkg02 Package Configuration File for pkg03 NFS Control Scripts for pkg03 Packages with File Lock Migration Example Two One Adoptive Node for TwoSage Basil Pkg02 VOLUMEGROUP/dev/nfsu01 VOLUMEGROUP/dev/nfsu02 Package Configuration File for pkg01 NFS Control Scripts for pkg01 Hanfs.sh Control Script Nfs.flm Script NFS File Lock Migration and Monitor Scripts for pkg01Package Configuration File for pkg02 NFS Control Scripts for pkg02 NFSFLMSCRIPT=$0%/*/nfs2.flm NFS File Lock Migration and Monitor Scripts for pkg02 Failover Example Three Three-Server CascadingCascading Failover with Three Servers after One Server Fails VOLUMEGROUP/dev/nfsu01 VOLUMEGROUP/dev/nfsu02 Package Configuration File for pkg01 NFS Control Scripts for pkg01 NODENAMEthyme NODENAMEsage NODENAMEbasil IP0= SUBNET0= Example Four Two Servers with NFS Cross-Mounts Thyme Basil Cluster Configuration File for Two-Server NFS Cross-Mount NODENAMEthyme NODENAMEbasil NFS Control Scripts for pkg01 SNFS0=nfs1/hanfs/nfsu011 CNFS0=/nfs/nfsu011 NODENAMEbasil NODENAMEthyme NFS Control Scripts for pkg02 SNFS0=nfs2/hanfs/nfsu021 CNFS0=/nfs/nfsu021 Index Index Default values
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